Sunday, March 04, 2012

Funniest article I've seen in years: a mystified Washington Post wonders 'What's ailing the Chevy Volt?'

No, I'm serious.

What’s ailing the Chevy Volt?

On Friday, GM announced it was halting production of the Chevrolet Volt until April, so as to maintain “proper inventory levels.” Sales of the electric vehicle have been disappointing, with the company missing its target of 10,000 Volts sold last year. Why hasn’t the car caught on?

Might I venture a few answers?

• The Volt has an annoying habit of sometimes blowing up

• It's incredibly expensive

• It's a coal-powered car

• It's the result of central planning, as opposed to actual market demands

The whole focus on electric cars is, in my opinion, borderline insane. Battery technologies are decades away from real suitability in automobiles. And, even more concerning, the Obama administration is waging a war on America's electric generation, thanks to an out-of-control EPA:

GenOn Energy just announced it will be shuttering eight power plants over the next couple of years, taking about 15% of its total generating capacity offline

Two Chicago-area power plants are slated to close

Three midwest power plants owned by FirstEnergy will be forced to close

And the list goes on and on and on. Obama's war to de-industrialize America continues apace.


  1. Anonymous12:48 AM

    The Post has been a bad joke for years. To keep up the fiction of its circulation numbers it has to give away its papers each year for months at a time. They make great mulch and wrapping paper.

  2. Joe Mudd2:32 AM

    I wish I had the time, money and
    energy to drop a chevy 454 into
    a volt and chase around some occupiers with it.
