Friday, March 02, 2012

Get Ready For Our Third Annual 'Summer of Recovery'

Tyler Durden asks, "If this is such a strong economy, why does this chart look recessionary?"

One way to gauge the real economy is to look at charts of the GDP, wages, household debt and the price of oil; another way is to correlate all of these on one chart. The [above] chart (courtesy of frequent contributor B.C.) plots these four metrics thusly: GDP/(wages/household debt)/price of oil.

Wait. Just. A second. I zoomed the right side of the graph, like, a thousand times.

I marked the green shoot with a nice, pretty arrow!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    These are impressive displays of Obama's performance. But facts and reality only appeal to those with open minds. When Imentioned to my leftist friends that Obama had proposed tripling Tricare's costs to military retirees in the next five years they blamed the Republicans. When I mentioned that over a billion dollars had been spent on cellphones for the "poor" they again bl;amed the evil GOP. I finally mentioned Obama was going to ship a half billion tons of food to North Korea in part Two of the Clinton nuclear follies. Again I was told it was the fault of the evil republicans.

    Only when we are all in gulags, and famine destroys the population, and the USA is no more, will these same people say, it was all the Republicans fault.

    I wobnder if this is genetic or something in the water.
