Friday, March 09, 2012

Good News! Eight Decapitated Bodies Turn Up In "Safe As It's Ever Been" Texas-Mexico Border Region

Thankfully the border -- true to the promise of our beloved, baritone DHS secretary Janet Napolitano -- is "as safe as it's ever been".

Eight decapitated bodies were found in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas, according to multiple Mexican news media outlets.

Details are still coming, but the bodies were found today by the Army on the highway that connects Matamoros with Ciudad Victoria, according to El Universal, the Mexico City based media company.

Authorities have not shared any insight into the killings, but the region has been marked recently by intense fighting between two factions of the Gulf Cartel drug-trafficking organization.

Because this is a family blog, I've refrained from posting pictures of the decapitated heads found on the border and here in the United States.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    According to Borderland Beat it's now 15.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Neck region is "Safe As It's Ever Been" right up to and before ur head is lopped off on teh dot dot dotted line.
