Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Romney and Santorum Win, Tea Party Claims First Scalp

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Super Tuesday

Romney and Santorum Win, Tea Party Claims First Scalp: RS
Romney can't seal the deal on Super Tuesday: Exam
Post-Super Tuesday Analysis: Hawkins

Where Romney Won in Ohio: Commentary
Jean Schmidt Loses GOP Primary in Big Upset: Roll Call
Ron Paul's Not So Super Tuesday: Reason


Think Progress: The Stalinists Are Here: Riehl
How Democrats Are Using Women As Pawns: iVillage
Maynard Sez: Obama Wants Civil War: Bruce

Silencing the Right: Erickson
Cardinal: Obama Admin Lectured Bishops on Catholic Teaching: LifeNews
Ex-Obama aide appeals to black voters: USA Today

Obama Ally won't release Alinsky tape: Breitbart
MD handgun permit law unconstitutional, judge rules: Exam
Conservatives' Top Goal Should Be Full GOP Control Of Congress: Will


State attorneys general report tackles Obama's unprecedented lawbreaking: AT
It Just Ain't So: Williams
Class: MOTR

Transgender Illegal Aliens Will Get 'Hormone Therapy' Courtesy of ICE: CNS
World's richest man getting richer off Obama's free government cell phones: IHTM
Utah on verge of passing bill demanding Feds relinquish public land: Fox

Obama Skips Tornado Destruction, Heads West to Raise Money: Dossier
CBC: Ethics Investigations Against Our Members Are Racist: WZ
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Congress: Union News

Scandal Central

Ripping the lid off of Colorado’s Solyndra: Malkin
Green Firms Get Fed Cash, Give Execs Bonuses, Fail: ABC
Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School's Racist Teaching?: AT

Climate & Energy

Gas Prices Have Gone Up 102% Under Obama; Obama Flip Flops - Now He Wants Lower Gas Prices: GWP


Announcing The Carbonite Accountability Project: LI
Who Is James Wolcott? And Why Would Anybody Want to Know? Or Care?: RSM
Limbaugh Radio Show Faces New-Media Backlash as Advertisers Flee: SFGate

Call Them Out By Name: Sandra Fluke, David Gregory and David Friend: Alexa
Silence from Carbonite as its Stock Price Tanks: PJM
No Class: Obama's Super Tuesday news conference: USA Today

The War on Conservative Women: Malkin
Capitol One “drops” Rush, sticks with serial misogynist Alec Baldwin: Malkin
Group sues for Michelle Obama vacation records: Politico


Obama makes the case for an Israeli strike on Iran: Glick
China Trying to Influence Obama Administration on Military Build-up: Beacon
Leaked E-mails Suggest bin Laden Not Buried at Sea: NewAm

The Arabs as Seen Fifty Years Ago: Pipes
Ex-CAIR official leads racist, anti-American charge inside Florida capitol: Creeping
Women’s Day: Taking a stand with women in the Middle East: Amnesty International

Barack Obama: From Amateur to Fool in Forty-Eight Hours: Lid
Iran and Obama: Sowell
European Banks Now Face Huge Margin Calls As ECB Collateral Crumbles: ZH


Infamous international hacking group LulzSec brought down by own leader: Fox
Verizon Just Figured Out How To Bring Screaming Fast Internet Everywhere: Insider
In China, Apple faces its "Nike moment"?: Reuters

Why Hayek Would Have Hated Software Patents: Cato
Finder of 'Lost Tomb of Jesus' details ancient evidence of Jonah: Fox
The Chinese Are Probably Squatting On Any Trademark You Can Imagine: Insider


I like to think of this as a 'Power Bayonet': C&S
Hero Mom, Stephanie Decker, Loses Legs Saving Kids From Tornado: ABC
My 25 Favorite Tweets From February: Hawkins

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "The Weekly Standard sent reporter John McCormack to a Target store near the Georgetown campus where he learned that birth control pills are available for nine dollars a month. The same price can be found at Wal-Mart. That would be $324 over the course of three years, not $3,000. CNSNews, in an article that used the words "sex-crazed co-eds" in the headline, pointed out that condoms at CVS Pharmacy are only one dollar, therefore to spend $3,000 in three years Fluke is talking about having sex almost three times a day...

It’s an absurd conclusion but absurd conclusions are what you get when Nancy Pelosi invites phony “experts” to blatantly lie in front of congresscritters, passes the charade off as “testimony,” and releases the video to evening news shows who lap it up with the gullibility of Golden Retriever puppies." --J. P. Travis

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