Saturday, March 03, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Voting for the Empty Orange Juice Can

Have a news tip or great story? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!

GOP Primary

Voting for the Empty Orange Juice Can: McLeod
N.C. Poll: Santorum 31, Romney 25, Gingrich 23: WS
Republicans Fall For Manufactured Story: Loesch


Obama’s campaign bully brigade rides again: Malkin
Obama Makes Fifth Attempt to Slash Charitable Deduction: Foundry
DHS Caught Hiding Online Spying Program from Congress: NewAm

A Friday Reminder: the Goals of Communism: Babalu
Where'd the extra $111B of ObamaCare costs come from?: Hot Air
K Street Democrats warn clients on donations to GOP: Politico

TSA: Fail: G-Man Case File
20 Obvious Truths That Will Shock Liberals: Hawkins
The Fainting Again: Ace


ObamaCare Destroys Mutual Assent in Contracts: MB
Sebelius: Reducing population will pay for cost of contraception: Cove
Ponzi Plus: NY Cities Borrow From Pension to Make Contributions: Mish

One Month to Go Until We Have the World's Highest Corporate Tax Rate: ATR
How to Torpedo a State's Economy: The Jennifer Granholm Story: ATR
Taxpayers lose $100,000 for Dearborn’s illegal enforcement of sharia law: Creeping

TurboTax Tim Geithner's Amnesia: Cato
How One Bureaucrat Almost Succeeded in Banning Car Radios: Reason
Unions spending big in bid to damage Romney: Hill

Scandal Central

Media Ignores Not One, But Two Gun-Walking Scandals: Chastain
GM Halts Production of Chevy Volt. Lays Off 1300 Workers for 5 Weeks: Blogmocracy
Holder questioned about Agent Zapata murder’s link to Fast & Furious: CFP

Climate & Energy

President Obama's Lies Regarding U.S. Dependency On Foreign Oil: Mish
Another epic fail for the Eco-tards: Gasoline-powered cars are greener than electric: TAB
CNBC’s Santelli warns of ‘third-world’ status with progressive energy policies [AUDIO]: DC

It's Happening: 5 Coal-Fired Power Plants Shutting Down: Johnsen
Obama: To Reduce Gas Prices, Make Drilling More Expensive!: Geraghty
Global Warming Hysteria: Santa Claus Safe!: First Things


Dystopia in America: New Criterion
How Network News Has Twisted Obama's War on Religion Into a Conservative War Against Women: MRC
Andrew Breitbart: The Vandal and the Crusader: ABC

Breitbart’s Last Laugh: Labash
Obama: "Maybe Change Isn't Possible ... Maybe We Were Naive": RCP
NBC Nightly News goes after Rush Limbaugh: Scoop

Rush waiting for Bill Clinton to call Sandra Fluke to see if she’s OK: Scoop
23-Year-Old Georgetown Co-Ed Sandra Fluke Is 30-Year-Old ‘Reproductive Rights’ Advocate: ConCom
What Andrew Taught Me: BigJourn

Where is MY phone call, President @BarackObama?: Toldjah
Fluke Free Birth Control: CDN
SarahPAC to HBO: Get Bent: PCR


2-Mar-12 World View: In Iran’s Elections Friday, It’s Ahmadinejad Versus the Supreme Leader: BigPeace
LEAKED STRATFOR EMAILS: Analysts Didn't Believe Bin Laden Was Buried At Sea: Insider
Cuba releases photos of convalescing Hugo Chavez: CNS

Obama cautions against “a premature attack” on Iran, rejects red lines: Debka
To many Germans, Europe’s financial woes are horribly familiar: Daily Star of Lebanon
Russia upgrades radar station in Syria to aid Iran: Times


How do you shut off Windows 8?: CNet
The dark side of Facebook: Telegraph
Dell Sends Technician To Your Office To Break Your Laptop: Consumerist


Sea Change: Haunting family photos pulled from the wreckage of Japan's tsunami.: ForPol
Sheriff Arpaio's Posse Surprise: AT
Hot Vodka: Ace

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "[The TSA's] virtual strip search screening machines are a failure in that they cannot detect the type of explosives used by the “underwear bomber” or even a pistol used as a TSA’s own real-world test of the machines. Yet TSA has spent approximately $60 billion since 2002 and now has over 65,000 employees, more than the Department of State, more than the Department of Energy, more than the Department of Labor, more than the Department of Education, more than the Department of Housing and Urban Development---combined. TSA has become, according to the report, “an enormous, inflexible and distracted bureaucracy more concerned with... consolidating power.”" --Steve Moore

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