Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Welcome to Total Political War

Have a news tip or great story? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Welcome to Total Political War: LI
Stand WIth Rush or Lie Down and Die Alone: Riehl
Obama to Dems: You're on your own, chumps: Cove

I Have a Right to A Bacon Sandwich in a Muslim Deli: AllAm
Sorry, I'm arguing with a Frumbag: Ace
Limbaugh, Fluke and the war on women: Ziganto

Advertisers Who Don't Want Your Business...: Rush
Fluke: Mandatory Coverage for Sex-Change Surgery: RSM
Why No Consequences For Lefty Hate Talk?: RE

GOP Primary

Santorum, liberty, morality, and the culture wars: Carney
Green donors bet on Mitt Romney Climate Change flip-flop: Politico
Bubba To Appear With Obama On Big Fundraising Tour: WZ


10 Questions for Obama's Tue. Press Conference: Foundry
Historic: First Year in Decades No U.S. Bank Created: JWF
Citigroup: Gold At $2,400/oz In 2012, $3,400/oz not long after: ZH

What a Worst-Case Scenario In Iran Would Mean For Oil Prices: Insider
IIF Doomsday Memo: Disorderly Greek Default To Cost €1 Trillion+: ZH
McDonald's new Happy Meals ads to pitch nutrition: ChiBiz

Rush: At the Tip of Liberty’s Spear: DLim
ObamaCare Costs Added to Expired Bush Tax Cuts: 2013 Happy New Year!: MagNote
All the Advertisers Who Are Sticking by Limbaugh: AtlWire

Climate & Energy

The “Times,” It Ain’t A’Changing: Commentary
Awesome. Even At 60 Percent Of The Old Site’s Traffic, I’ll Qualify For Aussie Censorship: Soylent (NSFW)


Chasing Andrew: BXX
Want to know why the left hated Andrew Breitbart so much?: DC
We Are at War. Is the Media Scared to Really Cover It?: Erickson

Attention Media: Walmart and Target Have Been Offering $9 Birth Control Since 2007: NB
Obama’s Transgender Ex-Nanny Living in Fear, White House Has No Comment: JWF
Liberals Losing Their Collective Minds Over Rush Comments: Cove

The left’s respect for women: a look back: Treacher
Escaping Carbonite: Bayonet
Rush Limbaugh’s Was Hardly The Most Offensive Comment On The Radio In The Last Week: HayRide


Netanyahu to Obama: Israel will decide for itself whether to strike Iran: Beacon
Historic and Unprecedented: Most Well-Spoken President Ever Says “Uhh” 96 Times in Under Five Minutes: JWF
McConnell says US should be ready to use force against Iran: Fox

What a Real War on Women Looks Like: Sundries
Benjamin Netanyahu AIPAC Speech Transcript 3-5-12: MagNote
Quietly, this President Takes Dead Aim at our Troops, Veterans: RedCty (West)


Here’s Why the Government Thinks It Can Kill You Overseas: Wired
Look Out, Google -- "Amazon Is Already Doing More Than $1 Billion In Ad Revenue": Insider
'Cheetah bot' sets new world record for legged robots: Telegraph


Political Theatre and the Fluke Files: Dewey
Cheap Popcorn At The Movie Theater: Your Next “Right?”: Hawkins
Five Leadership Lessons From James T. Kirk: Forbes

Image: The People's Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "How does the far left play this blacklisting game? They exploit race and gender to try and destroy First Amendment protections. People who support a philosophy long on record as supporting every racial gambit from slavery, segregation, lynching and the Ku Klux Klan right on through to the violation of voting rights by the Black Panthers, racial quotas and illegal immigration have no scruples. Genderism, as Sandra Fluke demonstrates anew, is not about individuals, it's about the left's concept of one gender. And, as Ed Schultz's slut comment about Ingraham demonstrated, if you don't fit that profile well -- you're a slut.

No one disputes the right of any would-be sponsor to choose where they place their advertising dollars. That simply isn't the question.

The question is: do these sponsors listed above, all willing participants in this thuggish behavior, understand that they are going out of their way to self-identify with those who have quite effectively demonstrated themselves to be anti-free speech thugs?" --Jeffrey Lord

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    People need to realize that it’s the DNC that has launched a War.

    And it’s the War on Liberty.
