Saturday, April 07, 2012

New Look for the Blog

After years of putting off a move to Blogger's new templates, I've finally taken the leap and converted over. The advantages:

• Cleaner look on most HTML5 standard browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE9 (earlier versions of Internet Explorer will work fine, but it will look a bit clunkier)

• Better mobile support: it should automatically render correctly on Android, iPhone and iPad browsers

• A much nicer archive: if you scroll down a bit on the right side, you'll see a much more useful archive capability, with post titles of recent articles tagged by date

• Much better navigation: you can now scroll backwards and forwards through the blog using controls at the bottom of each page (I had to write this support myself in the old version and it only worked one way -- i.e., show the prior 10 posts)

Do you like the new look? Hate it? Let me know in the comments, where Biff Spackle will be fielding your responses with heartfelt missives.

And for those bloggers who also would like to upgrade to the new template structure -- but are afraid of losing all of their customizations -- I hope to write a quick guide to best practices at some point. It's not for the faint of heart, especially if you have a lot of custom CSS, HTML and Javascript.


  1. Looks great guys, much cleaner and easier to scan imho

  2. I love Blogger's templates, and link you often,
    here: Humboldt Republican Women
    Here: Humboldt GOP
    and here: The Coffee Shop

    Good going!

  3. Like it very much. I need to do the same thing. You give me hope :-)

  4. Truman North11:27 AM

    I have no strong feelings on this. But since this is the Internet, I'm sure you're all idiots unless you agree with me 100%.

  5. Looks good , loads very fast.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" :)

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Thumbs up

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I think it's too big for the screen. I now have to scroll over. I have a 17" screen. You should design for 960 across.

  8. MUCH better. Thanks!

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I use safari and so far, the page will not scroll, graphics are slow to write and it freezes. Fix it please.

  10. Looks great!

    I'm using Maxthon2 as my preferred browser, also tried it with Firefox 11, both are good & load faster than the old format.

    Screen here is 1920 x 1080 on a 32" display.

    Keep up the good work!


  11. Same goes for me , as anonymous said, I too am using Safari, scrolling is jumpy and glitchy, not good at all. This is a really good blog, don't flucke it up.

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I like it


  13. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Blogspot is blocked in China. Without a VPN it don't matter what it looks like.

  14. I think it does look a bit cleaner. The thing is, I updated six months ago. Guess what, they want me to update again. On my blog I don't see much difference. Blah...

  15. It is a little better now but still glitching during the first few ( top ) panels of the blog. Again, I am using Safari if that is some help in fixing this problem.

  16. New look is great!
    I used this same template for awhile myself. did have a little trouble exporting sidebar features but got it works out over time.

  17. Anonymous6:54 PM

    looks good! 2 points.....the DR icon no longer comes up on bookmarked posts - I was able to find your stuff easily amongst thousands of bookmarks(: also the older / newer pages are just one singular post rather than full pages.......if there is anything you can do I would greatly appreciate it. Sharon

  18. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Bless you and Thank You!!!!!!!!
