Friday, May 11, 2012

Americans curiously unconcerned with Mitt Romney's high school days as Obamanomics mercilessly bullies tens of millions

The laughable crackpots at The Washington Post and The New York Times can invent all the faux bullying stories from Mitt Romney's youth they want, but one immutable fact remains clear. It is the American people being bullied by the Obama Democrats' fiscal policies.

As our state-orchestrated media struggle to drag voters into a contrived discussion on everything but the economy, including an imaginary war on women, the urgent need for free condoms, the danger of blacks wearing hoodies, proper dog-rearing habits, and the importance of Mitt Romney’s juvenile pranks, real lives are being wasted, held back by an economy that is criss-crossed in red tape, and stifled by progressive taxation.

While the Democrats are babbling about a composite woman named “Julia,” appropriately faceless and helpless — just the way the party likes ‘em, real flesh-and-blood human beings who are born into this world with a hope of doing something positive and constructive with their lives are suffering. But you’re not going to get anecdotal sob stories here to carry the water for a weak argument, like one constantly sees with the mainstream media, but a little history and some hard statistics.

Half of all college graduates today will not be able to find employment under this president, according to current trends. The young people who are supposed to be the critical component to the Obama re-election campaign, and who voted for him over McCain at a rate of 2-1 in 2008, are being asked to turn out for the glory and edification of a man whose policies do not allow them to succeed in kind.

Long-term unemployment is an unmitigated disaster. The hallucinated Obama recovery has seen a tripling of the long-term unemployment rate, meaning that so many able adults have been out of work for so long that their life prospects are dwindling. Should an Internet version of the Fairness Doctrine ever be passed, this would be the part of the editorial where a Democrat comes in and tell us how his party has a monopoly on compassion.

In spite of all of the spin -- like the "fact" that unemployment is "dropping" (even though hundreds of thousands of people disappear from the numbers every month) -- the American people know the real situation is miserable. At the risk of appearing on President Obama's "Enemies List", Walter Russell Mead speaks truth to power.

The White House is all about social issues these days, and a new AP-GfK poll explains why: Americans think the economy is getting worse. As recently as February, 20 percent of Americans thought the economy was in “good” shape; currently only 10 percent share that opinion. Two thirds think the economy is in “poor” shape, and only one in three expects their family’s situation to improve in the coming year...

...Growing public pessimism about the country’s economic prospects in the spring of a presidential election year is extremely bad news for the White House. If the economic news were better, we’d be hearing a lot more about that and a lot less about gay marriage and contraception.

With both national tracking polls showing Romney ahead this morning, the social strategy doesn’t seem to be working. That’s hardly a surprise; voters say the economy matters more to them than any other issue this year.

Gee, and I thought Sandra Fluke and a phony conversion on gay marriage would rally the entire country to Obama's side.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose to the weak willed, immoral, and amoral, a free glory hole is great. Until they realize after they get what they get they have to give until it hurts? "What do you mean when you say it is MY turn?" heh
