Thursday, September 27, 2012

SCUM OF THE EARTH: AP and Reuters Hit Bottom, Dig

Every time you think antique media has hit bottom, it breaks out the jackhammer and pounds out a new sub-basement.

Two shocking photos coming off the wire of Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the United Nations moments ago.

The first is from the Associated Press... The second is from Reuters.

Of the hundreds of professional photos taken at this speech, the AP and Reuters decided to push these onto the wire.

Indeed. Because these were the most offensive photos they could find.

Media extremists? What media extremists?


  1. carlito10:21 PM

    He does look a little like
    Mr. Pitt on Seinfeld giving his Board of Directors speech about conquering the Poland Springs Water Company.

  2. two editors should be shown the door immediately.

  3. Redwine3:06 AM

    Sickening characterization of the elected leader of the only Jewish state. The Red-Green fascist alliance is consumed by its psychopathic hatred of Jews and Israel.

  4. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I think these 2 pics are far less offensive than the one of bibi showing off his crayon drawing.

  5. antisemitism is rampant in the media becuase the media is dominated by leftists and the left is the home of antisemitism.

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Reminds me of the crude anti semitic cartoons popular in Arab publications. The real fascist propagandists can be found in the collective msm mirror.

  7. "Hitler is in the Eye of the Beholder?" - Leading News Agencies Comparing Netanyahu to Hitler?

  8. Democratic Media did not know that the Hitler Salute was from the Right Side of the Shoulder TOO FUNNY
