Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Congratulations, Democrats! On the eve of your convention, you've hit the progressive trifecta!

1. The national debt just surpassed $16 trillion, a level some experts believe is past the point of no return.

2. The number of Americans on food-stamps just hit another record high.

3. Last month, three times more Americans entered poverty than found jobs.

Let me repeat: three times as many Americans entered poverty than found jobs last month.

By every conceivable measure, things are getting worse under this president, not better. And why anyone would vote Democrat under these circumstances is beyond me.

1 comment:

  1. I can never understand why charts are extrapolated 30-40 years into the future when politicians can't see past the next election. Heck, even businesses don't look more than five years ahead.

    While there's no doubt Obama and his minions are gutting this country, it seems to me that charts like these only serve to fan the flames.

    Thanks for reading!
