Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HARD TO KEEP UP WITH THE SCANDALS: EPA said to have broken law by using secret email accounts to hide radical agenda

At the rate this administration is going, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Kim Kardashian is involved in a secret love triangle with Jay Carney and David Axelrod.

I refer, of course, to the daily stream of scandals involving the Obama administration and its many tentacles. The latest shoe to drop, outside of the Benghazi-related sex scandals, is the unsurprising report that the EPA's top dogs have been routinely breaking the law for years.

The name Richard Windsor may sound innocuous, but it is allegedly one of the secret “alias” email accounts used by Obama EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.

...In his book [“The Liberal War on on Transparency", author Chris] Horner revealed the existence of “alias” email accounts used by EPA administrators. The first such transparency dodge, he writes, came from Carol Browner, former director of the Obama White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy and Bill Clinton’s EPA administrator.

“You remember Ms. Browner, the lady who suddenly ordered her computer hard drive reformatted and backup tapes erased, hours after a federal court issued a ‘preserve’ order … that her lawyers at the Clinton Justice Department insisted they hadn’t yet told her about?... The one who said it’s all good because she didn’t use her computer for email anyway? That one.”

Horner said two former “fairly senior” EPA officials contacted him while he was researching his book, and gave him the name of one of the email alias names used by EPA Chief Jackson... “Richard Windsor” was just “[o]ne of the alternate email addresses she used...”

...“These alias accounts, from their origin and use under Browner to their use by Browner’s successor, are now the subject of a lawsuit..." [because] all government employees are required by federal law to use official email accounts to conduct government business...

Jackson, of course, is a hard left "eco-warrior" who has pushed the EPA to enact the most radical, anti-business regulations in American history.

And Horner asserts that other top officials are also using private email accounts to avoid Freedom of Information requests.

That Jackson would illegally hide her agenda from public scrutiny is precisely what we've come to expect from "the most transparent administration ever".


  1. Thank you for keeping on top of these lying and dishonest creeps - how do they live with themselves? I guess they don't believe in Hell....

  2. An environmental lawyer in Florida named Richard Windsor died in 2008. He corresponded with Carol Browner. Did Lisa Jackson know him or know of him? Is Jackson (or another EPA employee) impersonating Windsor for some reason?
