Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Krauthammer: White House blackmailed Petraeus for false testimony on Benghazi

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Krauthammer: White House blackmailed Petraeus for false testimony: NB
Levin To House GOP: ‘Subpoena Petraeus, Subpoena Hillary Clinton’: CNS
Kelley’s financial strife adds clues to FBI email investigation: DefTech

Can We Replace John Boehner With Paul Ryan?: RS
"You Have Two Years to Live" : Loudon
Nice Losers: Sowell

The Frogman's Prophecies: Dissident Frogman
Yep: Eric Holder to stay on as Obama’s attorney general: Hot Air
Petraeus Love Pentagon has Evil Twin Story Now: NakedDC


The Obamacare Nightmare Comes True: Rush
Gee, why'd they wait 'til after 11/6 to mail these letters?: Malkin
Look Who's Refusing To Compromise To Avoid The Fiscal Cliff: IBD

Obama Presides Over a $120 Billion Deficit in October: Virtuous
US could be on path to fifth straight $1 trillion deficit: Fox
Parasitic Unions Kill Their Hosts (or, in this case, Hostess): RS

Scandal Central

Levin: Fiscal cliff? We’re facing a COLLAPSE: Scoop
Apparently, Everybody Involved in the Petraeus Scandal Is a Swinging Sex Freak: RSM
Who's doing who in the Obama team's sex scandals: A handy guide: Malcolm

The GOP Says It Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud, No Joke: NoisyRm
Voter Identification Laws Are Trouble For Democrats: IBD
Election Fraud in Philadelphia (Audio): TUOwl2009

Climate & Energy

CEI Sues To Force Release of Carbon Tax Emails: CEI
The Third Bucket of Fiscal Cliff Negotiations: FreeEnt


Barack Obama tacitly admits Eric Holder is as guilty as sin about Operation Fast & Furious…: RS
Has the Petraeus Affair exposed a potentially darker scandal?: TAB
GOP Must Close Media Gap To Close Youth, Minority Gap: IBD

Media: Republicans Are So Stupid They Thought They Could Win...: Ace
Fighting Words: Zilla
Did Freedom Win?: Stossel

Amusing Bunni Needs Our Help: Camp o' the Saints
If You Were Saying to Yourself, ‘This Petraeus Scandal Isn’t Crazy Enough …’: RSM
Scott Walker for Speaker of the House: AmSpec


Instead of Benghazi Hearings, Hillary Clinton Heads For Wine Tasting in Australia: JWF
"The Sphinx and Pyramids Must be Destroyed": Gatestone
Saudi tells U.N. Iran trespassing on its territory: report: Reuters

Valerie Jarrett’s Radical Roots: FPM
EXPOSÉ: Qatar’s takeover of Europe: INN
Disaster Ignorance: Williams

OH, GOOD GRIEF: Susan Rice Secretary Of State, John Kerry At Defense?: IBD
Camp Bastion Families Want Answers About Afghanistan: Malkin
Jay Carney: White House wasn’t informed about the Petraeus mess until the day after the election: Malkin

Sci-Tech (courtesy

The Wrong Man For The Job, Microsoft In The Aftermath of Steven Sinofsky’s Departure: TechCrunch
Microsoft User CAL Changes: What it means for you: SHI
Adobe investigates alleged customer data breach: CompWorld


Sticky Post: Happy Birthday, BigFurHat!: iOTW
The Wizard of Oz in One Sentence: PS Mag
White House website deluged with secession petitions from 20 states: DC

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: National Papa John's Appreciation Day - Friday, Nov. 16th

QOTD: "Jill Kelley, 37, is not from Tampa Bay. She grew up in Pennsylvania with her four siblings. She is first generation American. Her parents moved to the U.S. from Lebanon in the 1970s.

She started to volunteer at MacDill after Kelley “organized galas and fashion shows benefiting the American Red Cross and the Tampa Museum of Art,” according to the Tampa paper... The Kelley family soon befriended Petraeus and his wife as well as other leading members of the military brass who frequently visited CentCom headquarters. Those connections combined with her family’s financial problems would have motivated the FBI to look deeper into Kelley’s past.

“I can’t think of a better target for a foreign intelligence source than a woman who is connected to America’s top military leaders and who is also struggling financially,” said a Pentagon security official who asked not to be named." --Mike Hoffman

1 comment:

  1. Nice tee-shirt on "liberalism"!

    But, why try to teach a Liberal something they'll never comprehend on a practical level? Instead, stop working, relax, and play "Stash-o-Cash!" - the Obama slot machine!

    ...and, here's a nice teaser image.

    Shameless self-promotion? You bet! But, hey: Obama "won", and now so can you!

    Keep up the great work - I suspect if Obama's 2nd term is as bad as his first, you're going to be working overtime just to keep up! LOL

    Regards, -- The MUSEman
