Monday, December 24, 2012

The Most Terrifying Photo You Will See This Fortnight

Your eyes are not deceiving you.

The topmost selection is a vending machine burrito that could very well be consumed this Christmas Eve.


  1. Why is this terrifying?

  2. @T.Mannis -

    Eating a vending machine burrito on a normal day, not to mention Christmas Eve, should make your blood pressure skyrocket and your stomach tremble in fear.

  3. Yikes. I wouldn't touch a vending machine burrito. I don't trust them.

  4. I was so worried about high blood pressure and a bad stomach while eating my McRib w/ fries on Xmas eve that I washed it down with real eggnog made from whole milk, actual eggs, cane sugar, a sprinkle of nutmeg and (you better believe it) real brandy! Blood pressure and stomach now both doing just fine...although my cholesterol's feeling a bit tipsy! ;-)

    Merry Christmas directorblue, and thanks for all the excellent work throughout 2012.

    Thanks for reading!

  5. Jefferson Ohio4:17 AM

    I have technical service job that requires me to go to customer sites on a rotating 24x7 schedule.
    After doing this for 33 years, I can boast I have survived everything a vending machine has dared my gastronomical tract.
    The most fun is the egg salad with an expiration date of tomorrow. Side of M&M's and wash it down with a Mountain Dew.

    Merry Christmas to all and Doug, thanks for the best blog out there.
