Tuesday, January 08, 2013

MARKING THE END OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION: Reality TV Show Seeks Women Trying to Identify the Fathers of Their Kids

Well, I suppose this means the Left has succeeded in shredding the moral fabric of our society.

Next on Reality TV: Caligula Redux.

Hat tip: BadBlue Fame.


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    I thought they already had this show on - it's called Maury....

  2. Jefferson Ohio5:41 AM

    America. We can recite the first name of the Kardashian's, but we don't know who our Senators are.

  3. Anonymous: Yep, that's exactly what I thought! LOL

    Povitch has been the "Slut of the Day Show" for years!

  4. All expense paid trip... Hotel, airfare expenses... Uh, I think I might have fathered at least two weeks worth of shows. Where do I sign up?

  5. Torila8:14 PM

    Ech, the first poster beat me to it.
    Hey, I'll amend my comment to:
    "I thought they already had this show on - it's called Jerry Springer...
