Friday, February 22, 2013

Take the Civic Literacy Exam

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute offers an extremely interesting Full Civic Literacy Exam.

I was feeling really good about my score until I finished reading Dennis's email.

He got 32 of 33.

Note: If your score was disappointing, I recommend regular downloads of The Mark Levin Show. The podcasts are free, you cheap ***.


  1. I got one wrong. Wall of separation between church and state -- Jefferson's letters. Not bad!

  2. I got one wrong as well: The question on "Lincoln-Douglas Debates".

    Of greater concern is that the average score of college educators constitutes an "F" - doesn't bode too well for their students! ;-)

  3. Bones3:02 PM

    Absolutely Museman. The incorrect and biased information is passed down from one generation of teachers to the next. Parents must pay close attention to their children's lessons and confront the school when they malpractice.

  4. Anonymous11:46 PM

    You answered 33 out of 33 correctly — 100.00 %

  5. BC Canadian2:37 AM

    I scored 30/33, so I'm happy with that. Love American history and civic studies.

    And Mark Levin.

    That's right I said it.

  6. 32/33. I don't want to admit the one I missed.

  7. steveegg1:25 PM

    I wonder if we could make getting at least 30 of 33 correct (in a "closed-book" scenario) a requirement for holding a public office that impacts policy.

    BTW, 33 of 33 here.

  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I got 32 out of 33 right — the flub was what Lincoln and Douglas debated.

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I got all 33 right but had to think a minute to remember the Puritan answer. I probably haven't thought that long about Puritans since the fifth grade.

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    32 out of 33 - missed the balanced budget question
