Sunday, March 03, 2013

OBAMANOMICS 101: Four out of Five Americans aged 18 to 34 say economy makes it hard to afford a... car

Not a home. A car. Ain't Democrat policies grand?

It's indeed ironic that the millennials who overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama are going to be those devastated most by his policies in the years to come.

Hat tip: Jalopnik.


  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I don't feel a bit sorry for them.

  2. K-Bob1:11 AM

    It's not really the car that people can't afford. It's all the union benefits that the car has to pay for that make new cars so unaffordable to kids.

    A typical car is something like 5 thousand dollars worth of machinery, 5 thousand dollars worth of labor and marketing, and 10 thousand dollars worth of union benefits.
