Monday, July 01, 2013

15 Photos From the Tahrir Square Protests You'll Never See In Legacy Media. #Egypt #Morsi #Obama

Curiously, a massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment in Egypt has been utterly ignored by vintage media, even though the protests may be the largest in all of human history.

Consider the dichotomy: Obama 2011: Mubarak Must Go; Obama Today: ‘It’s not our job to choose who Egypt’s leaders are’.

Update: Via Robert Spencer:

Hat tips: BadBlue Real-Time News and Dancing Czars.


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I really miss the giant paper mache heads. Can we get some of those, please?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Where can we get them?

  2. Everyone continues to try and nickname our corrupt news media, but there no need for it. It's simply the 'media of the democrat party.' And, sadly, they're talented propagandists.

    On the other hand, the media of the GOP -- excluding Fox, for this discussion -- are morons. Right Fail-Rinse-Repeat Prebus?

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Iowahawk nailed it:

    David Burge‏@iowahawkblog

    Dear Egyptians: don't blame us. The only Muslim Brotherhood supporters in the US are in the White House.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Very well said

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Excellent. Agreed.

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM


  4. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Here's another priceless Tweet:

    Jon Gabriel ‏@ExJon 30 Jun
    I bet Obama could fix the Egyptian unrest if he gave a speech about youth and dreams and aspiring and hoping to aspire to youthful dreams.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Ha ha ha! Perfect!

  5. figment7:23 AM

    is "hazaboon" egyptian for 'cankles" ?

  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Is this better than "Death to America?" signs?

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Looking at these pics informs me that Eqyptians are better informed than our lofo voters; they can smell bs coming one mile away!

    My favorite: "Obama - your Bitch is our Dictator"! Can't beat that! LOL

    I'm sure that these people among others are missing George Bush.
    (Think it's a coincidence that barry schmoozing up to W in Africa, although Bush arrived without fanfare a few days earlier on and, on a humanitarian mission -painting homes etc...!

    Class vs ghetto trash!

    1. You obviously didn't read all the signs! Bush and Tony Blair are also mentioned. Your crazy if you think there is a difference between a democrat and a republican, maybe 100 years ago there was but no more. Do your homework the Bush's are fascists, gw’s grandfather Prescott Bush was a banker who financed the Nazi's! The two party system is meant to divide us and it's working! Stop being so naive! The bankers and the bildeberg group do. Not just this country but the world! They want a one world fascist government!

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Yup ^

    3. Anonymous10:03 PM

      I agree with Mike. If republicans were true conservatives or constitutionalists we wouldn't need a third party. I think the two parties are smokin cigars and shakin hands laughing at us behind closed doors. Consider the independent or the libertarian next elections please!!!

    4. Mike, well said.

  8. Just Saying11:59 AM

    Unfortunately, this IS our fault - or Obama's and his support for terrorism and terrorists around the world. If it's Muslim, it's supported by him...

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      That's ridiculous. His support of MB has everything to do with control & securing of national interests. The Muslim factor has nothing to do with it

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      If you believe that then I have some ocean front property in Colorado you can have for half price. Osama Obama has saud in his own words that he will stand with Islam, which is Muslims. You really think it has nothing to bo with it, wake up. Quit drinking the Obama kool-aid.

  9. Great roundup of pictures. That last one, though, appears to be from Obama's visit to Pretoria (#10 in slideshow).

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    For most of the American people, we do not support what our government is doing, the hate needs to be directed at our government v. the people of our country...

  11. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Is it obvious to everyone barky is a muslim? He was born in kenya and educated in saudia arabia and had his potus bought with saudi oil money. But hey, blacks are gonna riot when zimmermen gets off so lets all go watch that. Nicely timed event eh?

  12. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Funny posters..but true! The question is, do the American pupulation buy what the U.S government feed them every day through the media and their fake representatives in the congress! Does it make any sense to them that their country bleeds to almost death just to " free" the Arab countries from the dictators they made themselves! I mean the U.S is spending hundreds of millions of $$s each day, sacrificing its beloved sons and doughters, and destroying its own economy for the sake of what!!! They dont have democracy in their country, its just a logo, so how can they fight for it! People, its way more than that... these polices are not in favor of any people; not the Iraqi, Afgani, American, syrian, nor egyption people! These polices are only for the good of a hand full of people who are playing with our lifes, national resources, believes, humanity, unity, mintalities so they can hold a grip of the whole world...why? I am not really sure! GREED and if you cant do anything about it, just dont support it, dont clap for them, and wake up!

  13. Anonymous8:57 PM

    The fatal point that everyone is missing is that none of our govern-BENTS give a sh@t about us, the people. We are merely cattle and slaves to be used, fleeced milked and butchered in their pursuit of power, wealth and world control. The lower classes are low paid slaves and completely expendable. Democracy and justice are man made urban myths that our oppressors (our so called leaders) us to control us with while never ever being accountable to those very same ideals, they are above the law (justice) and manipulate the democratic system at will. Any one who believes we have democracy or justice today is living in a fantasy world of self denial and ignorance.

    1. Just curious what you would prefer over democracy? Or rather a 'constitutional republic'? Monarchy? Tribal feudalism? Oligarchy? What? You make a great case for small federal governments where power is not held in few hands. No other forms of government places the people over the governors. We all just need to remember that. Because here in the USA we STILL hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, that AMONG THEM (that means there are more... See US Constitution) are Life (listed first because it is most important), Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Peace.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      That was written by a racist and first included only white men. But nice try.

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Wow. What an idiotic statement. To say that about the 2 documents that were to guide our nation to the abolishment of slavery and afford equal rights to every man and woman regardless of their race.
      Can you tell me where, in either document, it makes specific reference to "white men". Or tell me where the word "white" appears in either.
      Slavery was a reality at bitrh for men of the time, doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, but it was a reality of the times.
      A wrong that has since been made right because of the documents you chose to trash.
      Not all were racisits then just as not everyone is a racisit now, but you still chose to divide Americans when you spew BS like what you said.

  14. Anonymous9:32 PM

    First of all, I think people are forgetting that the Egyptian people voted for Morsi. It was NOT the Americans. Soooo if a government supports him, its because the Egyptian people PUT him there. Now he is not doing his job. No surprise, he has no experience, but neither does anyone else in Egypt. If the people now want him out. GREAT! Get him out!! BUT do not blame other countries for this! I love Egypt! I lived there for almost 30 years!!! I know that in the past many countries, in turn, have controlled Egypt. Now this is a Revolution of the Egyptian People!! Congratulations!!!!

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Morsi used media to prop him up as a good guy and a solution.....then ppl found out he was hillary clintons buddy and highly regarded by the WH.

    2. There has been upheaval since the election when the people believe he never won the vote to begin with..51.2% was it....sound familiar?

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      OK But the US voted for Obama, too. I doubt that we understood all that vote implied when it came to the policies of this administration... including the support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. But, when the Morsi government started to show their true intent the Egyptians took to the streets and protested. Had Morsi had the backing of the military the solution would have been different. I think the idea that just because there was an election doesn't mean that the party in power will continue on a legitimate course. Bush's use of executive power was abusive. Obama's abuse is even worse. Some of these signs are right to the point. America wake up. These people are acting in your name. Do you like what they are doing? Spying, supporting dictators, killing Americans using extra judicial means, just what is it that America represents to the world today and are we happy about it.

  15. An American Atheist10:55 PM

    Anonymous said "blacks are gonna riot when zimmermen gets off"... WHEN not IF. So you are a white guys thinking it is ok to follow, probably assult and kill an unarmed black kid if he tries to defend himself. Nice...
    Anonymous said "U.S is spending hundreds of millions of $$s each day, sacrificing its beloved sons and doughters, and destroying its own economy for the sake of what!!"
    The answer: to protect Israel. As a matter of fact Arab/Muslim fury towards US is because of Isreal; because US gives unconditional, unlimited support to Isreal, and all the weapons, including nukes so Jews can invade Palestine and kill Muslims. That's why Arabs/Muslims hate Jews and the US. It's that simple. What's so difficult to understand it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous12:33 AM

      Our country is held on buy little threads of morals and God the day we totally hand what little morals we have left and take God out we will fall completely as a nation slowly it is being done by desensitizing or veiws of truth and yes i do agree with protecting the isreal but they have the capability of doing so them selfs But i wouldn't go say the muslims hate us because of isreal it is because we are free country that still stands under God but the morals that we do have are little compared to what we once had the if we say oboma is Muslim that would mean he would try to take our guns he would try take our God away out of our military to completely strip our protection away and then Islam would slowly become our religion o and wemon would love this new change.well if you wemon would want To know what truelly happans if you dont go along with islam go search the history of the last church of compurnum Or any one at mater if this is what we want well get ride of morals and God this nation was founded under our God and i mean our God not any moon gods our God And the morals that he gave us to follow Is what gave us freedom

  16. Anonymous1:25 AM

    And Trayvon Martin is a THUG who broke into people's homes and stole jewelry and other items... covered up by the media and the police dept (that's why the Chief lost his job)

    Martin is not some innocent "kid"

    1. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Psst...better go check, quick...there's a BLACK MAN ON YOUR FRONT PORCH!!!

    2. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Did you seriously just write that? How was the Klan rally tonight? I am so anti Obama and anti militant Islam its not even funny, but when you start flat out making shit up because you support some wanna be cop tracking an INNOCENT kid down and shooting him when the kid notices he's being followed and beats the crap out of him, then you ruin my Egypt sign fun. Gz did the right thing up until he started following the kid. But he had a giant rush and the fake confidence that his weapon gave him. He drew it and fired like the wannabe cop coward he was and he should get 3 to 5 in jail for manslaughter. If that were my kid we wouldn't have to worry about his trial, it'd be my trial you'd all be watching.

    3. Clearly you have not been watching the trial, and listening to the actual evidence and testimony.

  17. Sure Egyptians voted the guy in. But you know damned well that Obama has been pushing MB to take over the entire ME. It's a nightmare of epic proportions. People in Egypt, our media in America is almost black out conditions regarding anything going on internationally. The news here is politically orchestrated. I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime. God help us all.

  18. Anonymous3:12 AM

    People blaming "Islam" or "Muslims" are so unaware that people carrying those posters ARE muslims. I'm not a Muslim myself but I'm an Egyptian and I know how Muslim Egyptians are.
    PLUS, Morsi was voted in because the other candidate was from the previous corrupt regime, knowing that results were forged in the first place to get both candidates on top of the race. Technically there was no other solution than taking MB instead of Mubarak's regime again.

  19. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Well done

  20. Post Shared at Upnews where you can vote it in order to it have greater diffusion.

  21. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Obama could send money without congress' approval? Wow, that's news to me *sarcasm*.

    The US has been sending financial aids to Egypt for decades. It's not the decision of executive branch.

  22. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Dear Egypt, some of us Americans hear you. Thank you for standing up against these fools while I apologize for the vast majority of Americans being ignorant about the issue.

  23. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The last picture is from South Africa, not Egypt. (No big deal, just mentioning it for the sake of accuracy.)

  24. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Morsi lied to the people just as we have been by Obama

  25. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Our Communist Media will never go against the Chocolate Messiah !

  26. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Am I the only one who didn't know Chicago is a nest of Communists? Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law and grandfather were Commie big shots. Axel rod is one of them.

  27. What's happening in Egypt is amazing and inspiring. There may be hope for humanity after all (real hope not Obama Muslim Brotherhood hope).

  28. Anonymous10:31 AM

    hey we want Obama and hist cronies out of America as well, any country willing to give him asylum, we'll keep snowden

  29. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Death to the USA! But thank God for the U.S. backed and U.S. trained Egyptian military to restore democracy! Long live the USA!

  30. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Fake pictures, and poor ones at that

  31. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Love the paid NSA shills that are on here...great comments! That said, Yes, the pictures are real, and yes, the people of Egypt "get it". Too bad the Homer Simpson-ized douche-hats that populate the USSA do not. The chickens are coming home to roost for the evil empire. O-blah-blah has proved that he is more of an incompetent puppet than W was.

  32. Egypt Crowds: Obama Supports Terrorism

    Mark Levin: Obama administration meets with controversial Muslim Brotherhood scholar at White House

    Andrew C. McCarthy: Obama White House Hosts Sheikh Who Called for Killing American Troops in Iraq

    Obama sympathy for Muslim Brotherhood tied to his community organizer roots

    Flashback from last year... Eli Lake writes: “Terrorists aren’t supposed to get visas. But Hani Nour Eldin was apparently invited to D.C. this week to meet with top officials. Did no one Google him?”

    #Resist44 #MuslimBrotherhood #MB #Benghazi #Tahrir #Cairo #Egypt #EgyptProtests
    #IAmAndrewBreitbart #DontBelieveTheLiberalMedia #PJNET #teaparty #patriot #tcot

    PS- If you came here from the Drudge Report and this is the first time you're visiting this blog, you may want to bookmark it/save it to your favorites and come back daily. Doug Ross does a great job here!

  33. Anonymous11:40 AM

  34. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It's sad to think that people in other countries actually think the American people support this crap. Contrary to popular belief we have no say in what our government does.

  35. Anonymous12:20 PM


    Can't really disagree with that...

  36. Anonymous12:27 PM

    If they knew Obama supports gay marriage, they wouldn't be so critical. ;)

  37. Anonymous12:45 PM

    If Morsi is so bad then why did the Egyptians ELECT the guy?!? Perhaps this is an Egyptian screw up and NOT OBAMA’S! God forbid the US support a democratically elected head of state! It’s usually when the US supports dictators that we get lectured to... Funny how times change.

  38. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I think we should take a lesson from the Egyptians and put 17 million people in DC to demand change we believe in. Maybe then we could show our representatives what they are supposed to be doing instead of working on their re-election campaigns on a continuous basis.
    Maybe then we could get rid of the Dept of Ed., the Dept of Homeland Security, the Dept of Energy, the Farm Bill, Ethanol, the EPA, Executive Orders, the IRS, and a host of other non-essential, over regulating, over burdensome, job killing, wage stealing agencies.

  39. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Can Glenn, Rush, Mark, Ted and a few others call the meeting in DC? Just pick a day to start and then see how many we can get over about a week. Free paper and markers for signs.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Glen, Rush and Mark are tools. You sheep will believe anything. Stop listening to talking head on fox and msnbc. Learn think for your selfs. Learn understand that the founders disagree with each other a lot. FYI Glen Beck has no idea about real US history.

  40. Anonymous1:04 PM

    it's "bitch" not "pitch" - come on rag heads get your insults right

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      How's your Arabic, pitch?

  41. The smoking gun...
    The Muslim Brotherhood's Connection to #Benghazi
    Kevin McCullough: 'The document details the involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as being involved with and in the funding, support, planning, and execution of the [#Benghazi] attack."

    Egypt’s Morsi behind murder of U.S. ambassador -- Intel fingers Muslim Brotherhood in deadly #Benghazi attack

  42. Anonymous1:15 PM

    In Egypt government fear us. In America government pisses on you. Signed: Everyone in Tahrir Square

  43. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The American people stand with the people of Egypt. It is our so called president, former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain who support the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The American people support the people in Tahrir Square. We are praying for you.

  44. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Its almost time for the American people to rise up and "refresh the tree of liberty".

    Obama is OUR dictator and the people need to take back OUR constitutional freedoms. END THE FED. END THE NSA. END THE DHS. END THE IRS.


  45. What's up 'anonymous', afraid to post your real name...especially when you say 'death to the USA'?!?! WONDER WHY?!?!

  46. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Yes, it is a fact that the US President is a joke. The world knows that however, stop blaming and involving the US with your country's problems while we send you money. - 75% of your country consists of animals that will never get anything accomplished. Why you say? - Because you spend your lives not working but praying to a man in the sky. Get with it ya scumbags. The world is sick of you. Just take a look at the hundreds of thousands of people lined up in Cairo that are complaining, fighting, killing, praying, beating women, etc. You are a bunch of rats on a wheel that goes nowhere and the world is tired.

  47. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Hey USA...wake up...we can do the same's guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence.

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    1. Anonymous12:26 AM

      Thank you. There are some of us working very hard to educate our people of their rights. Not taught in school anymore. Revelations of our living in a fascist state supported by corporations and the moneyed class has not been surprising. Our police have been militarized and trained for the day the people finally wake up and protest. Tens if thousands dead? Very possible. The breaking point is coming, slowly but surely here in the US. We the People hate our government's need for power and control over the entire World. More people watch and read RT news so we can find out what's happening in our own country, not the bs spin. Land of the Free? Not! Home of the Brave? Yes, but not including anyone in "power."

  48. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I like the idea of getting Rush, Mark, Ted or Sean to make the call and set the date. Might be all it takes..... Think it's time we went 'Egyptian' on this admin...

  49. Anonymous2:35 PM

    By now, everyone who is awake has to realize the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood/the Islamic Caliphate is being supported largely by Obama and the US State Dept.

    Obama IS a closet Muslim. He was trained/educated in a Madrasa in Indonesia. He goal is a Muslim Caliphate that will destroy Israel and act as a counterweight to US power in the world.

    This is why official US Policy is now to refer to the Koran as "The Inspired Word of God" and the Bible, in contrast, is being banned and burned. Don't believe me? Check it out...all over Youtube!

    Obama's dream is an Islamic States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood has totally infiltrated the US Govt to the highest levels and his goal is to institute Sharia Law around the country and world.

  50. Those signs look a little too, TOO commercially made, or Photoshopped in. Hmmmm

  51. Anonymous2:42 PM

    hmmm either these are all written by egyptian americans or english schools are really doing a good job overseas

    1. Egypt is a country that depends on tourism for more than half if its economy. You would expect that there are people that know how to write English (and French and German and I suspect a few that know Japanese).

  52. Anonymous2:44 PM

    down with the satanic world order

  53. Sara Noble2:45 PM

    Excellent post! Unfortunately, Obama is taking us down with him. Even foreigners know we need to wake up.

  54. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Stand up, end the Fed, end the $USD==> end your job, your house and your 401K ==> end the chains

  55. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Let's get real for a second...What type of advanced life form would slice/saw the head off of a preist or another human being while chanting to their god? - Drop a nuke on these vermin and those surrounding them, and you will quickly witness the worlds problems shrivel like a baloon with a leak.

  56. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Our nation (the US) and the rest of the world is a pressure cooker because of the monumental and historic mistake we made by 'electing' (did we REALLY get fooled twice?) a Marxist, arrogant ideologue as the leader of the free world.

    If Obama had any morales, scruples or integrity he would step down as 'president' and relieve this horrible pressure he and his administration has created.

    He is NOT American. And I'm not saying that to reference his birth certificate. What I'm saying is Obama has no respect Americanism or for the good American people, industry or any respect for what made us (once) the greatest country on earth.

    I am ashamed of the US. I have no capacity to 'celebrate our independence' this July 4th. We are NOT independent. We are capitulant little subjects to Obama's socialist whims and dreams and it's VERY depressing and disheartening to watch the divide and fall of my country. I feel utterly helpless.

  57. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I feel you pain. - In my mind, this July 4th is a tribute only to those soldiers who have died and are currently in harms way. It is a celebration of the past and the ideals our country once stood for. It is not a celebration of the current pride I have in our country. - Our country was overrun by vermin liberal progessives beginning back in 2000 when America just about elected one of the sleeziest politicians to ever walk the earth. - Sadly, I would take that sleeze above our current president any day of the week. - These are sad times no doubt.

  58. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Our brothahood gave you your brotherhood.

  59. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Also, enough with all the brotherhood nonsense. It's laughable. - The only brotherhood I see is a bunch of dark skinned, short tempered, half of men with small packages. Shave your faces also...It might make that little crayon between your legs look bigger. - Grab a ham sandwhich while your at it and out some weight on.

  60. Anonymous3:40 PM

    We have some real dumbass people that still believe in Obama, wake up American,s and stand up for your country

  61. Ahh, crap. I hate to see Morsi go and not have his Heliopolis Palace 62nd Chuck Norris theme birthday party next month.

  62. Scott4:06 PM

    I've shown these and other pictures to my students at the college where I teach and asked them if they thought something like these scenes might happen in America - especially with the ground-swell against the Obama and liberal controllers. So far the responses have been along the lines that this kind of occurrence is just a matter of time.
    So many of you hide behind "Anonymous" - Pity.

  63. The most revealing photo is the similarity with Salafi Al Nour party and Obama's national socialistic party. I missed those photos on CNN, huh!

  64. When we get rid of the scum in the White House there will be no support for terrorists in our leadership. I hope. Obama is pure scum and a Fascist/Communist Parasite Coward.

  65. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The last picture does not look like it was taken in Egypt. Please don't mix the facts. It will weaken your case.

  66. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The last photo above is not from Egypt. It's from South Africa where the Communist Party protested Obama's recent visit.

  67. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hey Scott, Wow, you are such a brave man. Please show us all more of your overwhelming courage by posting your full name and address so we can all rest assured in the knowledge that your a man of conviction, and not just words, and so that others here may join up with you so we may fight as one to defend our American values and rights. And while your teaching your classes, maybe you can take the time to learn that there is no such thing as being anonymous on the internet. The NSA aka the Government is in bed with all the major ISP's in the USA and big brother is watching and taking notes in case you haven't noticed, dumbass.

  68. Anonymous4:48 PM

    It would seem the Egyptians have a better handle on Obama than most Americans.

  69. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Hate to say it, but the reality is even as large as these street crowds may be, they are no more representative of Egyptian society as a whole than "OCCUPY" was representative of the USSA.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

  70. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Yeah, I could go to 1600 Penn. Ave. in Washington tomorrow holding my "Don't Tread on Me" sign for all the world to see. The only problems are, 1) I would be alone and I get scared when I'm alone and, 2) Not a soul would ever see me anyway because the news outlets will be too busy covering the firework displays and backyard BBQ's to notice little ole me. I guess I'll be like the rest of ya and just go drink myself into a stupor and pass out.

    God Bless The USA. Yee-Haw
    What a country. ??? :-)

  71. Obama: "If I had a brother, he'd be just like President Mohamed Morsi!"

  72. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I've read that there are something like 17 million protesters in Egypt at this moment and FYI the total population of Egypt in 2012 was 83.7 million people. Hardly what I would call an OCCUPY moment, dipstick.

    S'okay most of us here already know you don't have a clue, Mr Messenger.

  73. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Hey America! Getting rid of a lying, incompetent politician CAN BE DONE!
    Thank for showing us how, Egypt!

  74. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Listen! Can y'all hear that? It... it... it sounds like Nancy Pelosi yelling, "AstroTurf! AstroTurf!"

  75. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Egypt has shown us the way, now all we need do is act. ^

    If we in the USA had a similar protest, with a similar turnout, there would be something in the neighborhood of 66 million people holding signs. I don't even think you can fit that many people into downtown Washington all at once. The fact is that we don't need 66 million people. If just 1% of the people of the USA rose up we would have a 3 million plus army of protesters. Heck, the news organizations might even deem that newsworthy and throw us a bone.

  76. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Just keep thinking about all those people who said we need to get rid of Bush because AMERICA HAS TO BE LIKED AGAIN. F U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You morons voted for a Muslim Brother in the 'Hood. That's who the Marxist/Fascist/Racist Kenyan usurper is in the White House.

  77. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Breath deep! can ya smell it? It's the putrid smell of fear coming from all corners of our government. Awful quiet in Washington today, huh. I guess knowing full well that the great awakening is here and will soon be upon them might just put a little hitch in their giddy-up.

    God Bless the United States of America and every true patriot within.

  78. Anonymous6:46 PM


  79. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Get the nutters in the white house out!! We should all live as one!! I want as many wives as i want and i want to stone who i want... when i want!!

  80. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Get the nutters in the white house out!! We should all live as one!! I want as many wives as i want and i want to stone who i want... when i want!!

  81. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Get the nutters in the white house out!! We should all live as one!! I want as many wives as i want and i want to stone who i want... when i want!!

  82. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This notion that Obama is part of or supports the Muslim Brotherhood is completely nuts. His administration supported the ELECTED leader of Egypt. Were you expecting that our government would oppose the right of the Egyptians to elect their own chosen leader? Nobody was thrilled that they elected a Muslim Brotherhood person. However, the President respected the choice of the Egyptian people. This notion that Obama is a "secret Muslim" is part of a far right fringe conspiracy theory. No truth to it at all.

  83. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Yes, consider the dichotomy! Mubarak was installed by a military dictatorship and nearly the whole country wanted him out. Morsi was elected in a free and fair election with 52% of the vote, and no one knows what his support level was before his ousting.

    What a dichotomy!

  84. Anonymous7:05 PM

    i wonder how many who voted for morsi have rebelled?

  85. Anonymous7:11 PM

    these people are yet to be civilised... Without foreign intervention these countries would become rich and powerful.. in my opinion our intervention in the middle east is to stump the growth of a radical religion with stone age beliefs... If these people had power they would get greedy jepordising the way we live in a relatively peaceful place...

  86. Anonymous7:20 PM

    To the person above who said "This notion that Obama is part of or supports the Muslim Brotherhood is completely nuts"

    Pull your head out of the sand and wake the heck up, Obamabot.

  87. Anonymous7:31 PM

    WE the PEOPLE are held to laws and statutes created by the state and federal government... The government was bound by our great yet simple Constitution... It's time we held them up to their end of the deal... Giving guns to Mexican cartels while we are engaged in a "war" on drugs is treason... Cartels are the enemy, guns are the aid regardless of your lack in investigative skills... Benghazi was protected by AQI affiliates... From whom did they receive financing in exchange for protection??? We have paid no attention to the man behind the curtain for far too long now... To the people of Egypt, congratulations. I thank God for an Army of men willing to stand for the people... I hope the world will understand that true Americans aren't like those we have pretend to represent us...

    Ron Paul 2012

    Rand Paul 2016

    Liberty is Rising

  88. Ignored by liberal media when there are 20 MILLION protesters but God forbid the occupy wall street crowd has a 1000 people and you would have thought it was 10 BILLION people there.

  89. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Egypt, I am American and I am with you for freedom. Maybe you could teach our people how to take back our country.

  90. howard feinski8:47 PM

    Gee, does this mean that we won't be sending them their allowance any more?

  91. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Koch brothers are looking for more people with PhotoShop experience.

  92. Anonymous8:50 PM

    You sir, are a douchebag. the end.

  93. Anonymous9:13 PM

    A part of me kinda gets annoyed reading some of those signs... The Egyptian people vote for the Muslim Brotherhood and now, all of the sudden, it's somehow the President's fault. Obama sucks as president, but own up to your mistakes!

  94. Anonymous9:21 PM

    ^ What he said... goes double for me. DOUBLE DOUCHBAG does have a nice ring to it.

    I got your photoshop experience right

  95. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "A part of me kinda gets annoyed reading some of those signs."

    All I want to know is what do the other parts of you think? STFU Weetard.

  96. Anonymous9:39 PM


  97. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Obama helps Muslim Brotherhood take over Libya.

    Obama helps Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt.

    Obama is helping the Muslim Brotherhood take over Syria.

    See a pattern here?

  98. Anonymous9:47 PM

    It is nice to see that the Egyptian people have a more realistic opinion of the Halfrican, his minions, and policies than the ill-informed delusional so called voters in this country. We could take a page from their book on dealing with the current administration and their socialist un-American policies that are ruining this country.

  99. Anonymous10:08 PM

    it will be intereting to see how this is all related in textbooks - Common Core History and all.

  100. Anonymous10:16 PM

    We have a one party system in America separated by Birth Control, Gay Rights, Gun Rights, and Welfare.

    Please give us a real choice Libertarian, Tea Party, Something...

  101. Anonymous10:49 PM

    wow!!!! I work for the US military....I always knew EGYPT wouldn't accept the BS. HEROs. LET'S GO! GOD GIVEN FREEDOM FOR ALL!!

  102. Anonymous11:33 PM

    My heart goes out to all Egyptians. May your find freedom, peace, and prosperity. From where I live so many thousands of miles away, it seems that many countries in your region are beset with the conflict between essentially urban values and rural values. We have the same conflict where I live in the US.

  103. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The only difference between Obama and Osama is one letter. America needs to stay out of other countries internal affairs because it breed hatred against us. We're living in a police state and trying to spread our supposed democratic ideologies across the world because it favors the lobbyist and Zionist. Greed.

  104. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I like that one sign: "Under Satanic Administration." Soon all America, Britain too, are once again going to believe in Satan the devil! Just take a look at the world now, but you ain't seen nuthin yet!

  105. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I love it! It is going to hit the fan here soon.

  106. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Hey I'm Egyptian and if egypt can overthrow and get rid of one dictator, then so can the u.s.a. the American people need to finally stand up for there selfs and impeach Obama or like i like to always call him Osama. The American peopleffinally need to do something about Obama before it's too late, and like i said, if the Egyptian people can do it and get rid of morsi then why not the American people do the same thing. I'd love more then anything too see Obama getting impeached, then America and the rest of the world will be a better place to live in.

  107. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Mulim Tyrant removed from office! No, not in the US, in Egypt ! But we are hopeful !!!

  108. Amazing how racist the Egyptians are. Don't like out magical negro,

  109. Anonymous5:08 AM

    lol dumb fucked egypts you vote for Morsi
    not Obama
    not nethanyahu
    wonder when you idiots bring back Mubarak

    and yes i hate obama but USA is a democraty we use elections not the Army.

    Mazzeltof sandnigga s

  110. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Damn i love the USA thank God im not born in Egypt
    I hope the USA stop the financiel support of Army State Egypt.

  111. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The thing is that the US has lost
    the moral high ground with its
    lax values and greed. Now it has
    to rule by spying and the use
    of a Bigger warfare machine.
    Even the founding fathers were
    rejecting taxation in order to
    hold onto their property. So
    its always been a money game.
    Also family values on the meaning
    of marriage are being distorted.
    I think that the folk in Egypt
    should be allowed to make their
    own way to a better future and
    I wish them well.

  112. Steve Randyl8:26 AM

    I'm not a puss like these anonymous posters. I am not hiding behind anonymous as a name. Egypt, I personally appologize for the actions of this dictator we have in America.

    We are trying to get him under control and out of there but we are trying to do it according to our constitutional laws. FORTUNATELY he cannot "dictate" longer than 3 more years and that is a absolute blessing.

    I know for a fact the people of America have no issue or beef with y'all. We wish you all the best in the world in your successful tossing of your dictator. Maybe we can get rid of ours soon.

    THIS Time vote carefully when you elect the new leader, and select only 1 to run against him and rally behind him so no other dictator gets put in his place. We try here,but unfortunately somehow they manage to steal elections using every method known to man. Plus half this nations people are absolute idiots and fools in that they only care to vote for the guy who gives them free stuff.

  113. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What organization made these signs for this protest? These are well made signs in English and many of the people holding the signs don't appear equipped to have made these signs. I just want to know who is behind these protests.

  114. Anonymous9:05 AM

    We need to oust obama the same way Egypt kicked out MOrsi. And while we are at it, clean out Congress and the Senate too.

  115. Anonymous9:26 AM

    The Egyptian people have done a great thing, truly celebrating their independence day should be a reminder not to just to Americans but to the world people.
    NOW EGYPT, hold onto Justice, Peace, and always be unified in your constant battle for Liberty for all of Egypt because tyrants are always at the people's gates.
    God Bless the Egyptian People.
    Signed: Christian American

  116. Anonymous9:55 AM

    So, now we have President Obama, former President Clinton and Senator McCain, The Three Stooges of American foreign policy, calling for the US to get involved in the Syrian civil war. On who’s side; The Hezbollah terrorists or the al Qaeda terrorists?

  117. petie310:45 AM

    Supremely ironic when the leader of the free world is Vladimir Putin.

  118. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Did you ever notice that people from the middle east have a heck of a time when they try to curse in English. LOL.

  119. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Yes, he fooled us all.

  120. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Obamas "Propaganda media" is doing as told as usual. Democratically elected leader kicked out in military coup, that sounds like a game plan to me...

  121. Tis my understanding Egyptians voted in the best of the two bad choices available. Morsi was given two years to uphold the promises he made, when he violated those promises the Egyptian people banded together, regardless of religion, and forced the removal of the the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Theocracy they promoted.

    As a conservative, I believe a country's Constitution should be the law of the land, and the only mention of religion should be that it is an inalienable right and a freedom. Religious practices and customs should not be dictated, controlled or constrained by Theocratic Constitutional law.

    Since the US administration was supporting the Muslim Brotherhood because of the election, why would they continue to voice support for the Muslim Brotherhood when the Egyptian people are clearly opposed?

    Being a Christian I am ELATED to see a country embrace Muslims and Christians supporting religious FREEDOM together. The administration needs to support the Egyptian people and what the people want for their country!

  122. Anonymous1:21 PM


  123. Problem is that Obama does not care one bit.

  124. Well Egypt kicked out their President .....WHEN WILL AMERICA WAKE UP AND DO THE SAME? AMERICA NEDS SOME OF THOSE EGYPTIANS COME ELECTION TIME ....Since some here don't have the good sense to VOTE AGAINST the evil dictator Obama.........Just sayin......


  126. God Bless Egypt...

    From the Christian people of the West...we know who our real friends are...protect our Islamic brothers in their time of need, oh Lord...

  127. Just to be clear..I'm talking about proper Muslims(people of God)--no0t Western political muppets...

  128. Perhaps you all could come over hear and help us do the same thing. We need the Muslim Brotherhood cleaned out of the White House also

  129. Toppolina2:56 PM

    True, Mr. Obama is backing the terrorists Muslim Brothers and he is following his bitch ambassador Anne Patterson who is going to be thrown out of Egypt soon God willing... America is loosing respect, support, and backing very fast in the vital Middle East because of the wrong policy of the Obama administration which is listening to a few criminal terrorist MB in his administration and defying the wish of 85 million Egyptians. What a shame

  130. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Here it is for my dear American friends who are not aware of Obama's agenda. I happen to be fluent in Egyptian Arabic, and have viewed hundreds of hours of political discussions on Egyptian TV.

    Saudi Arabia has a cave man culture and views of Islam that oppresses women, an hate the non-Muslims. That source of xenophobia and incitement of violence has been bribing American politicians for decades. They even managed to help Obama to take over the most coveted seat of power in the world.

    As a servant to the King of Saudi Arabia, Obama and Hilary Clinton have been taking order to create Islamic regimes to replace the secular regime.

    In this case, Morsi, did not win the election, but Clinton called Tantawi, the ex military leader and ordered Morsi in, against all evidences that he has lost. In addition, the Islamists threatened to explode the most valuable antiquity museum in the world. So, Morsi assumed power, and attempted to fire most of the governors, and replace them with foaming at the mouth fanatic Muslims. He destroyed the tourist industry which is one of the better source of income for the country. He explained that tourists wants to drink beer, and wear shorts, and that is against cave man Islam.

    To sum up, he wanted to take a semi-civilized country so far backward to the seventh century way of life. Egyptian women did not agree, and so are the modern, and secular, all add up to about 90% of the population.

    If you alienate 90% of the citizens, you are out regardless what Obama or Clinton want.


  132. Corona8:50 PM

    I never thought I'd see pics from a relatively Moslim country that totally pawns Obama yet knows that at least half of the US population agrees with Egypt with their outcry. I agree with That Egyptian population. More power to them.

  133. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Citizens of the world should be aware by now that the elites (freemasonry and illuminati) who runs the federal are all behind the troubles in this world. They are now planning the 3rd World War to bring mass destruction. Obama, Morsi and all the leaders of all countries are their puppets... The elites are the G8.

  134. We should all be very afraid!
    Obama should be impeached! The sooner the better!

  135. We should all be very afraid!
    Obama should be IMPEACHED!

  136. President Obeyme's Egyptian puppet Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood regime fails... more arms for Syria's Al Qaeda terrorists?

  137. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Obama: Stop lecturing Egypt about legitimate power.

    After you show the US citizenry an authentic birth certificate we will acknowledge that you are legally qualified under the United States Constitution to hold office.

  138. Anonymous2:49 PM

    hey, You go Egypt! Kill every damn muslim in your midst!

  139. J.E Hopkins Sr10:47 PM

    Don't be so hard on Obama he is a muslin. I Wish he would leave America
    him and all his friends.It is time we took back our country!!!!

  140. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Why does EVERYONE forget that Bush, Chaney, and their lawyers are CONVICTED criminals under the GENVA Convention? "Research and Read the FACTS PEOPLE!!!!"

    Obama has his flaws... He is helping keeping them from trouble, and has KEPT Bush's policies in effect, BUT don't forget all the idiots WHO are still in Congress who aided Bush/Cheney to do what they did!

    BLAME the DAMN IDIOTS who started ALL of the USA's problems with over seas issues on whom it rests on their shoulders!!! WAKE UP, and realize that BUSH/CHENEY, started all those wars, and Obama is trying to clean up their messes, hence him NOT being involved with other countries issues!

  141. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The fall of the Islamist regime in Egypt (and soon the world, is a thunder upon Israel which supports Islamists only to justify a Jewish state.

  142. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Most American's know that Obama is a crook, a liar, and as ignorant of politics than a 2-year old. He has no business being President of the United States. He is incompetent and blames all of his failures on others, not owning up to his own mistakes because he thinks he can do no wrong. He should be impeached for Benghazi, for the IRS Scandel, for voting defraud...the list goes on. He needs to be impeached NOW!!

  143. @anon 6:38,

    Hey, tool - tell me which of the federalists or anti-federalists were in favor of a big, bloated, centralized authoritarian government?

    Don't worry - i'll wait here for you to look it up, dumbass.

  144. I wish this Geau-nad would go away... but we're stuck with it for another 3 years yet.

  145. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Yeah, Hayzaboon or Hazeboon is Egyptian (very colloquial) for only a woman, especially an old woman, who's malicious, venomous, sly, cunning.. etc

  146. For those who like to defend usa, i'de like to say some words in a language that americans understand better: lies

    USA never used mass destruction weapons
    USA never tortured prisoneers
    USA never attacked iraqians country based on lies and just for money
    USA never supported dictators and puppet governments
    USA never used chemical weapons on iranian people

    we all love USA

  147. U.nder

    Very well said

  148. We were wrong Morsi was much more better now we lost everything our freedom is a history now

  149. Fake pictures, and poor ones at that , I really miss the giant paper mache heads !!
