Sunday, August 18, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014

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The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014: Power Line
Full Hour Fox Special: Mark Levin “The Liberty Amendements” : Ramparts
The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes of the Last Decade: John Hawkins

The United States Constitution vs. Barack Obama: Voting American
McAuliffe on scandal: I don’t know anything, I was just in charge: Hot Air
Overpasses For Obama’s Impeachment Continues: Nice Deb

Obama whines about GOP confusing people about Obamacare: RWN
Obama: Health Insurance a ‘Right’: Rick Moran
Police tells conservative rally to quiet down for Islamonazi prayers: GWP


Student’s Back-To-Campus Survival Guide for Conservative Scholars: CI
I asked the NSA for its file on me, and here's what I got back: Kevin Collier
The Most Important Question in Politics: Who Decides?: Scott Rasmussen

Scandal Central

Attkisson’s FOIA Request For Benghazi Documents Denied: WZ
Chicago Comptroller Indicted in Ohio: Second City Cop
Vote Fraud: 163 poll workers in Ohio retired because of a "high error" rate (read fraud): John R. Lott

Hillary Spokesman Caught Lying About Hillary’s Benghazi Terrorism Denial: Daniel Greenfield
'True the Vote' Finds 173 Cases of Suspected Interstate Vote Fraud: WatchdogWire

Climate & Energy

Obama Planning to Circumvent Congress to Deliberately Drive Up Energy Prices: RWN
UN IPCC 95% Sure That All Warming Is Caused By Humans: RWN
Krauthammer: The Idea That Climate Change Is A Closed Issue Is "Arrogant And Anti-Scientific": RCP


Yet Another Opportunity for the First White Al Sharpton: Moonbattery
Hating Cowboy Hats: Moonbattery
Suspect in Huntington Beach riots arrested after “liking” his photo on police dept’s Facebook page: Mandy Nagy

Judge Jeanine Pirro: ‘Mr. President, It Looks Like You Support Fanatical Muslims’: Nice Deb
Barack Obama vs Allen West God & Man in America: DTG
Movie Review – HATING BREITBART: Glob


The Narrative Implodes: Richard Fernandez
Critics Slam Muslims for the 9/11/13 Scheduling of Million-Muslim March in DC: Publius
Pic of The Day: Egyptian Copts Pray Inside Church Torched By The Muslim Brotherhood: WZ

Crush the Muslim Brotherhood: Daniel Greenfield
Careers Destroyed by Failure to Conform to Liberal Homophilia: Moonbattery
In Saudi Arabia, a whip for words: MorningJournal


Internet Traffic Plunges By 40% As Google Goes Dark For Five Minutes: ZH
Facebook ignored security bug, researcher used it to post details on Zuckerberg's wall: Tom Warren
NASA shares lessons learned from Google+ Hangouts: Fierce Govt IT


New product for Gun Control Cultists and other “Progressives”: GunFreeZone
Who Are You Going to Believe, Me or Your Lion Eyes?: MOTUS
Bob Filner on the Big Screen!!!: Morlock Revolt

Image: Matt Bevin

QOTD: "I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent." --Thomas Paine, 23 December 1776, "The Crisis"

1 comment:

  1. Whitehall7:45 PM

    I'll bet that sharp drop in traffic when Google went down was a stoppage in the flow of advertising.

    In a way, I'm thankful although the ads of the young chicks selling rave costumes are endearing.
