Saturday, August 03, 2013

PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBIT #9,036: How the Obama Administration is Systematically Destroying the U.S.M.C.

W.       T.       F.

[This is a] sample test question that has been making the rounds in USMC circles...

...The objective is to drive anyone who is disgusted by this moonbattery out of the Marines. When the true warriors are gone, the Corps will stop oppressing the world with the American hegemony Obama has been working so diligently to put an end to.

The Obama Administration is the most destructive weapon that has ever been leveled against the US Armed Forces.

I'll say it again:

W.       T.       F.

Hat tip: BB.


  1. zacklee; when only upper west atheistic gaymarriageluvin zimmermanhatin 2ndamendmentopposin libs can want to join the armed services then there will no longer be anyone in the armed services.

    which is what they want.

    political propaganda has no place in the manuals of our armed services or fbi and yet the leftists and jihadists have managed to do just that.


  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I say Sgt Brown needs to take his bf anf get the fuck out

  3. That rumbling sound you hear is Chesty Puller rolling in his grave at 60 rpm.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    What is the source of this image?

  5. Anonymous5:41 AM

    That's not all Obama has done to harm the military.

    Since DADT was revoked, the greatest number of sexual assaults have become Male/Male:

    That puts troops in increased danger from high risk of STDs - the 4H incurables: HIV, Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis - and syphilis and gonorrhea (the latest form of which does not respond to treatment).
