Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Comment o' the Day: The Centrist

A commenter at J.T. Young's latest at Real Clear Market -- "Is Obama Going For Broke In Washington's Fiscal Fight?" -- summarizes the perverse falsity of the Left and its leaders.

President Obama ran as a Centrist. He governs Hard Left.

The division between the two parties has never been greater.

The Tea Party was gestated in the dissatisfaction with Obamacare.

There wouldn't be a Tea Party without the reckless spending of this President.

Skin color has nothing to do with it, except as a convenient method of attempting to silence his detractors by liberals who really have no other argument.

Don't like his policies? You are a racist!

Even if those same policies were likewise loathed when Clinton and Carter were in office? Doesn't matter. You are a racist.

Typical Democrat argument points:

1) Racist.
2) Koch Brothers
3) Faux News
4) Rush Limbaugh
5) You hate the poor.

And those are their best arguments, mind you.

Image hat tip: William Warren, Americans for Limited Government.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Don't forget "Boooosh"

  2. FastEddieTx is absolutely wrong in his basic premise the Obama "ran as a Centrist."

    He talked about policy as little as possible because he did not want to expose his extreme liberalism any more than he had to do so. "Yes We Can" is neither centrist nor a policy, Fast Eddie.
