Friday, November 01, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Obamacare: So many layers of disaster, it’s like peeling an onion of fail

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So many layers of disaster, it’s like peeling an onion of fail: Instapundit
Yes, the GOP saw the Obamacare crackup coming. : Moe Lane
Bombshell: Obamacare to cancel 93 million health care policies: Twitchy

Beware, Virginia: the Phony Libertarian Robert Sarvis: Moe Lane
Obama DOJ Claims International Treaties Trump Constitution: TPNN
The president who has done the most damage: Dennis Prager

Obama in 2010: Insurance Premiums Will Decrease By 3,000 Percent: Glob
Obamacare's Failed Promises: Sean Hannity
Second Federal Court Green-Lights Lawsuit Against Obamacare: CEI


Obama Has Presided Over 5 of 6 Largest Deficits in U.S. History: CNS
Nation’s top hospitals opting out of Obamacare: Scoop
Europe Stuns With "Surprising" Record High Unemployment Print: ZH

Why Unions Are Pouring Money Into Virginia & Why You Should Care: RS
House Is About To Cave On The Farm Bill: RS
Federal Spending by the Numbers, 2013: Heritage

Scandal Central

CBS: WH paying $1.1 BILLION to fix Obamacare websites: Poor Richard
REVEALED: US Commandos On Ground the Night Of Benghazi, Were Prevented From Aiding: RWN
Commandos Made it to Benghazi: Hot Air

Judicial Watch: Obama Henchwoman Lerner Illegally Gave Taxpayer Info to FEC: JWF
CIA officers who were on ground in Benghazi WILL TESTIFY before Congress: Scoop
Obama leadership style raises question of 'who is in control?': Michael O'Brien, NBC


Your Opportunity is Being Transitioned: Daniel Greenfield
Barack Obama Approval Rating Sinks to New low in NBC/WSJ Poll … 42%: Scared Monkeys
PROPAGANDA: Obamacare “Success Story” a Democratic Pol, Pictured With Obama In '08: WZ

The Four Other Obamacare Disasters the Media Ignored: Foundry
IMF calls for the confiscation of household assets from those with a “positive net wealth”: Western Rifles
I Found a Unicorn: III Percent


Who’s the Liar, Lara Logan or Obama?: Shoebat
Obama Homeland Security advisor: “United States of America Is An Islamic Country": Atlas
Feds find drug tunnel linking San Diego, Tijuana: Fox


Apple working on innovative solar charging system: Ben Lovejoy, 9to5Mac
Windows Azure Compute cloud goes Belly Up Worldwide: Jack Clark, The Register
Has Microsoft just PROVED why you should upgrade from XP?: Paul Ducklin, Sophos


Russian Bears, Chinese Lions and U.S. (Paper) Tigers. Oh My!!: MOTUS
Photo-of-the-Day: This Halloween Picture Truly Describes the Essence of George W. Bush: IJR
Riot Control: DHS Spends $500,000 on Fully Automatic Pepper Spray Launchers: FreeNC

Image: Western Rifles
Sponsor: VIRGINIANS: McAuliffe and Bloomberg Are Coming For Your Guns! SUPPORT KEN CUCCINELLI.

QOTD: "Insurers are hunting around for the captive audience of young, stupid and healthy twenty-somethings that Obama promised to turn over to them.

The other patients are going to end up in the network anyway. But they’re going to end up with doctors whose main priority is controlling costs. Again, it’s the WalMartization of medicine and ObamaCare is accelerating that trend. Profitable practices will either go private or they will focus on treating patients as little as possible while complying with every regulation.

That’s how national health care works everywhere." --Daniel Greenfield

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Whoa! Did you see the comments on that NBC piece by Michael O'Brien? Has Hell frozen over?

