Friday, November 22, 2013

Why Obamacare is different

Fritzworth has a thought experiment for you:

First, let's visit the standard Left shrieking points.

1) How many of you know someone who died in Hurricane Katrina? (Just thought I'd get that out of the way.)

2) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was a valid registered voter and who was denied the chance to vote due to Voter ID laws?

3) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was unable to afford birth control due to a lack of health insurance?

4) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was denied the chance to have an abortion, due to state regulations?

5) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who has been laid off due to the Federal budget sequester?

6) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was furloughed during the brief Federal Government shutdown and then did not get back pay for the time furloughed?

7) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who was unable to find a meaningful job because of Right to Work legislation in the state where they live?

Now for the flip side:

8) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who had their existing health insurance policy cancelled as a result of Obamacare, and who are now looking at options that are more expensive and have higher deductibles? (My own hand goes up.)

9) How many of you know someone (including yourself) who works for a business whose health insurance coverage is either going to be eliminated or become more expensive as a result of Obamacare?

Show of hands, everyone?

Yep, what I pretty much thought.

Note that most of the Left's boogiemen -- items 1-7 -- are just that -- largely imaginary, except for the occasional OFA worker who gets press coverage for her 15 minutes of fame. But I suspect that the vast majority of the voting population can't answer yes to question 1-7.

On the other hand, between now and November 2014, I am willing to bet that the vast majority of the voting population will answer yes to questions 8 and 9. And that is why, in spite of the Left's desperate attempts to find some equivalents between the burgeoning Obamacare debacle and the sins of the Right (as they define them), it's really no contest.

And, in spite of today's announcement -- to unlawfully delay Obamacare's rollout for employer-sponsored plans (to avoid the midterm elections) -- Democrats will pay a heavy price.

In fact, employers should make a point to send out cancellation notices a week before the election.

Hat tip: Jim Geraghty


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Because it's going to wreck the heck on how our health care is administered "On ALL levels".

    Then you will be hearing more stories like these, and they are but just the tip of the iceberg that's coming.

    But believe it or not that's not the worse part?
    Wait till you NEED to go see the doctor that you NEED to see, and CAN'T under obamacare. I PROMISE YOU ALL THIS? You will pay for it with your LIVES.--------------------------------------------------------------

    I'm 30 years in a wheelchair folk's. I know this "ship".

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Don't count your chickens before they hatch. There's plenty of time for the Republicans to snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory. Oh that it weren't so.

  3. Question 8 -

    I know someone who's insurance was cancelled and boy, is he unhappy about it.
