Monday, October 13, 2014

BENGHAZI ILLUSTRATED: Is THIS What Really Happened in the White House on 9/11/2012?

Based on input from ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino and others, Biff Spackle illustrates what he think happened in Washington as the Benghazi terror attack unfolded.

Related: The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format.


  1. might as well be straight from the nsa tapes!

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM


  3. Magic 8 Ball says: Very Likely

  4. Mt Top Patriot6:10 PM

    That is probably the tip of the iceberg of what these traitors running around like rats on a sinking ship, (or headless chickens). A ship of state they scuttled via their idiocy.

    There is the matter of covering up gun running arms, ammo, and chemical weapons to Islamist terrorists by hillary clinton and her personal crew of traitors at the state department.

    The same core of clinton domestic enemies behind Fast & Furious.

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    first debate was OCT 3, that is why POTUS was so distracted. So the chronology is off on this, other than that it is what probably is accurate. Can this time issue be fixed?

  6. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Even Egypt didn't know about the video until after we brought it up.

  7. Benghazi: Whenever liberals begin to sizzle and spit, you can be sure that, like bacon in a pan, they’re feeling the heat. And when the Obama-enabling national media proclaim that something is not a story, you can bet the farm and all the livestock that it is.

  8. Storm Saxon's Gall Bladder9:05 PM

    Except that i suspect The President's thoughts were more like, "Dammit, this is not going the way we planned it. They were supposed to grab the ambassador and get out in five minutes flat. What are those SEALS from the CIA doing there shooting the militia?"

  9. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Doug you keep making the same mistake.

    The first Romney-Obama debate was on October 3, 2012, 22 days after al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists murdered four Americans.

    Obama falsely claimed that al-Qaeda was on the run in his acceptance speech on September 6, 2012.

  10. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Storm...I think you are more right than you know. Of course this was soon to be followed with and exchange of the blind one for our ambassador. How pissed do you think the terrorists were when someone started shooting back? After all that wasn't part of the plan!

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Biff's strip ends too soon. There's no pictures of Reggie.

