Wednesday, February 05, 2014

ALLEN WEST: Speaker Boehner, find the courage to establish a Benghazi select committee

Guest post by Allen West

This morning I had a chance to visit with a former colleague, someone for whom I have the utmost respect, Virginia Representative Frank Wolf. Rep. Wolf is the author of House Resolution 36, which calls for a Benghazi select committee with subpoena powers to formally and singularly focus on the incidents surrounding the US Consulate attack in Benghazi Libya.

Rep. Wolf shared with me today that he now has 182 cosponsors, all from the House GOP. One has to ask if the Democrats are more aligned with their political party or truth? The 182 cosponsors represent approximately 80 percent of the House Republican conference, and according to former Speaker Dennis Hastert, meet the standard of the “Hastert Rule,” a majority of the majority. Yet this piece of legislation is blocked from being brought to the House floor for a vote.

Rep. Wolf and I mused — actually we both became infuriated — considering how in the State of New Jersey Democrats have established a select committee and are pursuing subpoenas against Governor Chris Christie over traffic lanes being closed. Is it possible that traffic lane closures are more important than the abandonment, murder, and lying that hangs like a dark cloud over the events of September 11, 2012? Have we become so degraded that we do not see the utterly despicable hypocrisy of the Democrats in New Jersey and the liberal progressive media?

Over the weekend, we witnessed the arrogant dismissal of President Obama, who has already referred to Benghazi as a “phony scandal,” as he chided Bill O’Reilly, stating that Benghazi, among other nefarious actions, are just talking points driven by Fox News. The belligerence of President Obama has been enabled by a House GOP leadership reluctant to stop the diluted process of five different committees who must ask for information by way of FOIA requests. Just yesterday before a House Intelligence Committee hearing, Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and others were asked when will someone be held responsible for the incidents surrounding Benghazi? The question was met with nearly 10 seconds of silence.

Losing an American Ambassador is not the new normal. Abandoning brave Americans to die is not the new normal. Supplying arms to Islamic terrorist and jihadists and running a covert weapons program is treasonous and represents high crimes and misdemeanors.

And liberals, just stop it. Stop telling America there is nothing there. You all know that if it were Speaker Pelosi and a Republican president, there would have been a select committee, an incessant screech calling for impeachment, and calls for imprisonment. If Democrats can become frenzied over the closing of traffic lanes and create a select committee to investigate a Republican governor, we all know what you would do in this case to a Republican President — lying hypocrites that you all are.

However, I am beginning to develop an even stronger concern about House GOP leadership, primarily Speaker John Boehner. Speaker Boehner, you know very well, your approach on this has not been effective. President Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as the entire Democrat party are laughing at you. You have a majority of your conference supporting this select committee — explain why you do not? It can’t be that resources do not exist and there’s not enough time.

Here is my recommendation. Select five individuals to make up this committee, three Republican and two Democrat. We don’t need a committee of pontificators who will not get to the bottom of this. I recommend you select from House GOP Representatives Jim Jordan, Jason Chaffetz, and Trey Gowdy as head of the Select Committee. I really don’t care who the House Democrats are since they lack any integrity and concern on the matter. They’d all be the same. If you do not want a select committee, then appoint a special investigator with subpoena powers. I would be happy to volunteer. All I ask for is a staff of five and cranberry juice.

Whether you pursue a select committee or special investigator with subpoena powers here is the initial list to be called: President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Leon Panetta, General David Petraeus, John Brennan, Victoria Nuland, Michael Morell, General Carter Ham, General Martin Dempsey. As well, they would need to have their Chiefs of Staff prepared for subpoena and testimony. This would be a public hearing and all subpoenaed would present themselves in person before the committee.

Speaker Boehner, this should make you angry — angry at what happened in Benghazi, which cannot be the new normal. I implore you to find the courage to make the right decision and establish the select committee with subpoena powers on Benghazi, and operations in Libya. If you cannot find the courage to do so, Americans will see it as one of two things: cowardice or complicit. Neither are good, combined they are disheartening.

Speaker Boehner, Thomas Paine once stated, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

The choice is yours, summer soldier and sunshine patriot, or will you win the love and thanks of all Americans? One thing I know, in keeping with the finest traditions of our Founding Fathers from Virginia, Representative Frank Wolf has earned the love and thanks of man and woman, especially those who lost their loved ones at Benghazi.



  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Demokratic party uber alles.
    Their patriotic virtue is dead.

  2. Mike in Grasonville10:34 PM

    Mr. West stated the argument just as I would have. He pulled no punches, and demanded action, if in a way that I personally find too kind.

    Either Obama has something on Boehner, or it is the fact that he was briefed on the situation before the events happened, and could be considered a conspirator with the knowledge he had. I tend to believe the latter, as it would corelate with Boehner being a cowardly bastard.

  3. You want a black Republican president, or is this guy, who you all keep presenting to an unwelcome reception, merely a figment of your white regret? Knock it off. If Zero hasn't taught you anything, though, I doubt if I can.

    Really, knock the shit. He isn't that good, unless you make him a quota. I think I, for one, am definitely over being nice to get along. Kick him to the curb or keep showing your true colors.

  4. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Hey Doom, speaking of kicked to the curb... what's it like? If you think the rest of the people in your head constitute a gathering of like minded individuals, then that's where the professionals should start when they unpack you.
