Friday, February 21, 2014

How long will Roll Call Magazine continue to embarrass itself?

That's a rhetorical question. Please consider the ludicrous hack named Taegan Goddard and his ill-named "Political Wire", which would be more aptly named "White House Press Release Wire".

His recent articles are reminiscent of a modern-day Leni Riefenstahl, offering a one-sided view into the clusterbungle known as "Obamacare", which the majority of Americans recognize as the most ill-conceived, unconstitutional, amoral, Marxist, and criminal excuse for a "law" in American history.

Goddard's recent coverage include such gems as:

• "Don’t Believe Those Obamacare Attack Ads"

• "The Stock Market Loves Obamacare"

• "California Enrollment Surges Past Projected Goal"

• "Obamacare Now Needs to Take Root"

• "Healthcare.Gov is Improving: Time to Scrutinize State Exchanges"

• "Assessing Impact of Obamacare on Workforce is an ‘Imprecise Art’"

• "Obamacare Enrollment Still Advances Despite State Opposition"

• "As Insurers Seek Profits, Poor Face Higher Premiums on Obamacare Exchanges"

• "An Abundance of Good News for Obamacare"

• "Obamacare Killing Jobs? It’s a Myth"

Littered through Goddard's coverage of other topics are predictable hits such as "Holder Calls for End to Felon Disenfranchisement Laws", "Obama’s Abuse of Executive Powers Debunked" (someone inform liberal Constitutional attorney Jonathan Turley), "Extreme Weather Reignites Coal Debate", "One Percent Wins But Charity Loses", "Protests Continue Over ‘Greatest Mass Deportation in U.S. History’", "CBO Minimum Wage Report is ‘Remarkably Biased’", "Will an Increase in the Minimum Wage Really Hurt Jobs?", etc., etc., etc.

I can't figure out whether Goddard is an economic illiterate, a malevolent propagandist, or just another Soviet sleeper spy helping to destroy the Constitution.

I'm open to suggestions.

In the mean time, ignore Roll Call and read the uncensored news at


  1. an economic illiterate, a malevolent propagandist, or just another Soviet sleeper spy helping to destroy the Constitution.

    I figure he's a Journolist member in good standing.

    So... all three are correct.

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Until shown otherwise, I would be suspect of anyone using the unisex name "Taegan" anyway. Gaelic for "little poet", this hack just wants some face time with Obama's little poet.
