Thursday, February 27, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: Goverment Power Is Economic Inequality

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Goverment Power Is Economic Inequality: Sultan Knish
Brutal: Obama vs. reality on Obamacare costs for small businesses: Guy Benson
Negatively Affected by Obamacare? Harry Reid Says You’re a Liar: TPNN

The Nice-Guy Trap: Liberty's Torch
If You Haven’t Read David Horowitz’ Latest Piece At NRO…: HayRide
Georgia House Passes Convention of States Application: COS

Is Ted Cruz Out of Control?: Cal Thomas
Tea Party PAC endorses Boehner primary challenger: Matthew Boyle
GOP Senators Out To Destroy Tea Party Funders: S&L


President Pushes another $302 Billion Shovel Ready Stimulus: Virtuous
Raise the minimum wage to $14/hr. with this one weird trick!: Ann Coulter
Hey! 23 Democratic Senators can do minimum wage math!: Moe Lane

Obama Has Deep Pockets (Yours!): Crockett Lives
Obamanomics Destroying America’s Middle Class: Richard Larsen
Does GOP have a cure for what ails US economy?: James Pethokoukis

Scandal Central

Justice Department Accused of Stymying IRS Investigation: Bill Straub
Another Round of Obamacare Train Wrecks: Jim Geraghty
Report: Convicted Terrorist Worked As ObamaCare Navigator in Chicago: FNI

125,000 Illegal Immigrants in California to Qualify for Obamacare Medicaid: Greg Campbell
Somali Muslim Migrants Protest Welfare Reform in Maine: Daniel Greenfield
Issa: Holder Seeks “Dangerous Free Pass” on Fast and Furious Documents: DC Clothesline

Climate & Energy

The other N-word, &c. : Jay Nordlinger
All This Heat Keeps Breaking Snow Records: Cove
An Open Letter to CNN’s Carol Costello on ‘Why are we still debating climate change?’: WUWT


Beck's Fascinating Talk With the Google Guys: ‘Do You… Even Believe in the Constitution?’: Blaze
MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Debuts To Weak Ratings, Receives Cronkite Award: Glob
Unapologetic, lobster-buying, food stamp surfer: BPR

Daily Beast Dreams of Abortion Clinics in Malls, High-Schools: MRC
What If America on the Right Acted Like Leftists?: Christian Mercenary
What happens when a political messiah fails?: Blogmocracy

The President Sneezes, so you have to #GetCovered: MOTUS
Rand Paul: Democrats Should Be “Embarrassed” To Be Seen With Bill Clinton: John Hawkins
This would be funny if it wasn't so crazy!: Stormin' Norman


Ralph Peters: Military cuts would be worse than pre-WWII levels, Army incapable of fighting major war: Scoop
Another George Soros Operative Joins The White House Staff : 90 Miles
Leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism: Daniel Hannan

America’s quiver of outrage is empty: Victor Davis Hanson
Shapiro Crashes UCLA Divestment from Israel Hearing, Resolution Defeated 7-5: TruthRevolt
WTH? Iconic 9-11 Photo Deemed "ABUSIVE" By @Facebook: Barracuda Brigade

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Google Earth Reveals Mysterious Land Artwork in Egyptian Desert: ScienceWorld
A Telepresence RoboCop Piloted by Oculus Rift and Sensored Gloves: Jason Dorrier
Q&A: Schneier on trust, NSA spying and the end of US internet hegemony: Register


“Jim Hoft Live” – Pictures & Sound From #Hoftstock 2014: GWP
Um this is kinda interesting…: Scoop
Government Ad o' the Day: Ed Morrissey

Image: Somali Muslim Migrants Protest Welfare Reform in Maine
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: FIRE JOHN BOEHNER: Support J.D. Winteregg for Congress

QOTD: "The big government left keeps playing the class warfare card, but even the worst company in the world isn't as larcenously extortionate as the worst politician. Some of the greediest and abusive companies were either created by the government or operate in close partnership with it.

HMO's were created by the government. Banks fed off Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's subsidized mortgages like vultures. Do we really need to go into insurance companies, defense contractors or Sallie Mae. AT&T is considered one of the worst companies in America, and it's also one of the biggest political donors. Is there a connection there? Only that companies close to the government don't need to worry as much about what the public thinks of them.

...American business is looking a lot like Soviet business did, full of companies with contempt for their customers, and an unctuous smile for the government. They know where the money is coming from. And in an era of cut throat price competition, and high labor and regulation costs, it's just easier for them to extract the public's money by going over their heads to the politicians. Don't feel like paying for any of it? It's no longer a free market in which individuals make economic choices, but a collective economy with government fixing prices and then turning around and taking more of your money to pay back the companies to cover the difference. That's how ObamaCare works." --Daniel Greenfield

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    We are into the era of America's Holocaust. 6 million is a start, because re-distribution is a bitch jack.
    When cancer patients pass by we're being taught to sing louder. LoFo's are amping the chorus and Democrats the refrain.
    They make their bellies ovens for our finest game and cleanse their palates with our choicest wine. They party on our dime and chase the wind while the Country runs out of time.
