Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: We Trashed The Health System For A Supposed 5 Million Enrollments?

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We Trashed The Health System For A Supposed 5 Million Enrollments?: RWN
The San Francisco Democrats Finally Rule the Roost: Erick Erickson
Obama To Stab Backs of Military Again By Reducing Pensions 10%: CFP

Romney Shreds Obama’s Failed Leadership, White House Butthurt Ensues: JWF
Democrat Bullies Against School Choice: Betsy McCaughey
Spring Clean Government: John Stossel

Obama rewrote FOIA to suppress politically sensitive docs: Mark Tapscott
New York Protestors Burn “Assault Weapon” Registration Forms: Bob Owens
The Taste of Crow: Christian Mercenary


Report: Premiums rising faster than 8 years before Obamacare combined: DC
The UAW against democracy, free speech in Chattanooga: DC
Liesman: Dumb and Dumber: Karl Denninger

A $1.2 Tril Corporate Welfare State Lurks In U.S. Budget: IBD
Is there wage stagnation?: Walter Williams
Fast-food protests hit Chicago as workers target 'wage theft': ChiBiz

Scandal Central

Obama’s Latest De Facto Amnesty and the Push to Delegitimate Deportation: Heather Mac Donald
Guess what Obama is telling Hispanics in order to get them to sign up for Obamacare?: YoungCons
SEIU Hit With Second-Biggest Campaign Finance Fine in Michigan History: WFB

The Joke's on Us: Cold Fury
Patriot Lawsuit Demands Money From IRS: WND
License To Wait: CA Conceal Carry Applicants Told to Wait Two Years: TR

Climate & Energy

Lawsuit Challenges Use Of Endangered Species To Stop Energy Boom: IBD
Arctic blast coming to Eastern US: coldest opening to calendar spring in at least 50 years?: WUWT
Which Gov’t Agency Is Becoming an ‘Organ to Play the Music of Karl Marx’?: Blaze


ABC's 'Nightline' Skipped ObamaCare for 123 Days, Gossips Over 'Bootleg Butt Injections': NB
The End of Obama’s Presidency? : Keith Koffler
Obama Hasn’t Changed Since Columbia University: Blaze


Is Hillary Clinton on the Missing Malaysian Airlines 777?: Erick Erickson
Top Russian laughs at US sanctions, calls Obama a ‘prankster’: BPR
Russia formally moves to swallow Crimea: USA Today

Snowden Marks Russia's Aggression by Disclosing Another American Intel Operation : PJM
Boeing Believes Flight MH370 Is In Taliban Territory in Pakistan: Sara Noble
What if MH370 was (mistakenly or purposely) shot down?: Aviationist

Obama Retracts Jewish Identity of Israel: Leo Rennert
Did Russian Intelligence Promote Obama from Lieutenant to Colonel?: Oleg Atbashian
The Brand New, And Shocking, Third Largest Foreign Holder Of US Treasurys: ZH

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Target Breach: Where The Weak Points Were: Dave Kearns
Sharing what’s up our sleeve: Android coming to wearables: Official Android
A Closer Look at the Cisco-Google Alliance: NoJitter


“Obama wants people to quit bashing his jeans”: Protein Wisdom
Of Friendly Lawsuits and Potemkin Protests: Ed Driscoll
MH370: Hiding in Plain Sight?: Winter Soldier

Image: Chris Floyd: Car Trouble: Tarnished Icons and Imaginary Friends
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: FreePAC Kentucky - April 5th, 2014

QOTD: "Sanctions and modest help to the Syrian rebels have failed to halt the slaughter; if anything, the killing worsened as negotiations dragged on. The White House was taken by surprise by Vladimir Putin's decisions to invade Crimea, but also by China's increasingly assertive declaration of exclusive rights to airspace and barren islands. Neither the economic pressure nor the cyberattacks that forced Iran to reconsider its approach have prevented North Korea's stealthy revitalization of its nuclear and missile programs. In short, America's adversaries are testing the limits of America's post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan moment." --New York Times

Bonus QOTD: "As if Bracket Week wasn't a natural distraction as is, now Quicken Loans has decided to offer a billion dollars -- well, a half billion up front, or a bunch of millions every year thereafter — for a perfect bracket.

The odds of you picking a perfect bracket are roughly one in 9 quintillion, and no, I'm not making that up. As David Sarno puts it, "If all 317 million people in the U.S. filled out a bracket at random, you could run the contest for 290 million years, and there'd still be a 99 percent chance that no one had ever won." Then again, if you just end up with one of the twenty most accurate brackets in the Quicken Loan contest, you get $100,000, and that's not bad." --Jim Geraghty

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    The best comment I've read regarding Mom Jeans is that their design allows no room for balls.
    Evidently these designs doesn't allow room for brains either.
