Saturday, March 01, 2014

WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING? Real Stuff Recently Confiscated at TSA Checkpoints

Via the TSA Instagram account, illustrated by @BiffSpackle.

Hat tip: BadBlue Gun News.


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    So I guess you'd recommend giving TSA a big raise and a pat on the back, huh?

    I'd have expected to see this crapola at the Huffington Post, but not here. Please don't bother posting any more pro-Unconsitutional Agency rubbish!


  2. yo, eskyman, no one's cheering on the tsa - the point of the post was the stupidity to believe you check luggage with a dirty harry magnum inside.

  3. Burger King1:16 AM

    Awfully curious if there's a pattern in the nationality/religion/etc of the sword-in-cane owners.

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Thanks for the reply, directorblue- but my point is that left wing wusses aren't the ones doing those particular stupid things.

    Gunowners are. Who are generally of the Right. Many of whom believe, as I do, that their God given right to keep and bear arms doesn't stop at an airport, or within 100 miles of the border, or any other "interpretation" of the Constitution.

    I'd rather not give the Left more ammo to attack gunowners; that's all that I see here.

    Which is why I'd rather not see it on this excellent site!

  5. point taken, but i'm pretty sure anyone dumb enough to try and walk through a security checkpoint with a loaded firearm is a democrat and, even more likely, a politician.
