Saturday, April 12, 2014

HATRED & DIVISION: The Democrat Platform, Illustrated

Another @BiffSpackle science-dropper:

Feel free to copy and spread around.

Word needs to get out to the drones.

Hat tip: Mark Levin.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Your reference to voter fraud in the fourth panel is vastly understated - it's a reference to the voter fraud in only one state - North Carolina. I can't imagine voter fraud could possibly be any worse in states like Illinois, New York, Massachusetts....?

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    it would appear that the obama gang is trying to protect the poor that have no way to get a registered voters card, it is too hard for them. my friends in mexico the mexican man, woman and 15 year old children, have to have a voter id card , it is called an IFE. YOU CAN NOT CASH A CHECK, BUY A CAR , RENT OR BUY A HOUSE WITH OUT ONE. LET ALONE VOTE. it is mandatory , from the rich to the poor. balls in your court
