Friday, May 09, 2014

I don't know who this Touré character is, but I have a picture proving that he is a nasty little punk

"Touré" -- if that is his real name -- is reportedly an MSNBC "personality", which is why no one has ever heard of him.

In the photo below, he's holding up a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, a veritable bible for community agitators who despise America, capitalism, and the free market. It describes how to overthrow the U.S. government and install a Marxist regime. You know, the kind that has succeeded so well in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, the Soviet Union, et. al.

That said, don't you love how these Leftist punks -- with their massive carbon footprints and riches amassed through their good fortune to live in America -- undermine the very society that has given them limitless wealth?

How did Touré earn an umlaut over the 'e'*?

From what I can discern, it was his record-setting levels of hypocrisé.

* I know it's not an umlaut, but what is it really called?


  1. accent aigu (acute accent)

  2. He is most assuredly flying 1st class. I'm so glad he overcame his struggle with being educated at the most exclusive private schools in the Northeast.

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    An alternate spelling of Toure' is Toole'.

  4. Here's thought "Nothing says I'm a moron like reading..." etc.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Why is it that I cannot see this man's name without hearing "Tourette's"?


  6. You misspelled "Black Trash"...It's like white trash but with entitlements...
