Thursday, May 29, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: The 'Almost Exclusively White Phenomenon' of Constitutional Conservatism

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The 'Almost Exclusively White Phenomenon' of Conservatism: John Bennett
Establishment GOP Takes The 30 Pieces Of Silver To Pass Amnesty: ConHQ
Cuccinelli: Amnesty could destroy the GOP Base: PJM

1,700 vets hidden from VA wait list, wait times for others averaged 115 days: Hot Air
Eric Holder's Money Shot: Mark Steyn
When Obama Called the Plame Leak a Major Crime: GWP

The Elvis Presley Movie Presidency: HayRide
Michelle: Republicans “Playing Politics” with Kids’ Health: Keith Koffler
Rahm Emanuel Wants All Chicago Gun Sales To Be Videotaped: Glob


Unions Try To Block Veterans From Receiving Civilian Care: LoneCon
Gibson Guitar Knows Why The Feds Raided Them: Bryan Preston
NYT: Recovery Has Replaced Good Jobs With Bad Jobs: S&L

The Saddest, Scariest Millennial Statistic You’ll See Today: Bryan Preston
Have Insurance Through Your Employer? Get Ready For The Obamacare Pain: LoneCon
“A smoking gun in debate over consumer class actions?”: Overlawyered

Scandal Central

UNREAL: Obama Wants Race-Based Legal System in Hawaii: ConTrib
Labor Secretary Tweets Out Pro-Communism Message: YC
Judge who put Conyers back on the ballot is one of Harry Reid's "nuclear option" confirmees: Poor Richard

Climate & Energy

IPCC findings dispute ABC, CBS, NBC alarmist and flawed Antarctica sea level rise claims: WUWT
Al Gore: ‘Global Warming Will Cause Millions of People’s Heads to Explode’: Rash
More wind farms could lead to blackouts: Express UK


Dear Democrats: If this administration can’t get socialism right, how will any administration, ever?: Bookworm
Huffington Post Article Promotes Anti-Semitic Elders of Zion Libel: TR
CNN Caught Red-Handed Sabotaging Gun Control Poll!: BuzzPo

WATCH: Mark Levin talks to Hannity about Obama scandals, Republicans in DC, and more…: Scoop
L.A. Times: Leaker of Valerie Plame Identity Was Richard Armitage Scooter Libby: Patterico
One-Percenter Gwyneth Paltrow Says Internet Criticism as ‘Bloody, Dehumanizing’ as War: Sooper

Hillary’s New Book: 7 Ways Obama Failed to Lead During the Bin Laden Raid: Rusty Weiss
Don’t Stigmatize Murderers!: Ann Coulter
The Intellectual Dishonesty of Obama and Other False Purists: Ron Fournier


Ouch: Less Than 25% of West Point Cadets Stood Up For Obama After He Was Introduced: WZ
New Ad: 'CAIR Leaders Convicted of Jihad Terror-Related Crimes': TR
Hamas-CAIR Thugs at Work: AFDI “Truth About CAIR” ads defaced with antisemitic vandalism: Pamela Geller

Cheney slams Obama on Afghanistan: Was he around when 9/11 happened?: Scoop
The tea party lives — in Europe: Cal Thomas
TSA check misses empty AK-47 clips in Yemeni man’s luggage: Post

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

This cheap and beautiful machine is 3D printing's best chance at going mainstream: Verge
Snowden Addresses Critics, Explains Why He Won’t Return to Face Charges: Wired
It’s not a man bra—it’s a wearable technology optimization device: QZ


Strong Safety: Ann Barnhardt
Megyn Kelly Roasts Joe Scarborough: Have Fun with Your ‘Four Viewers’: Josh Feldman
‘A Million Ways to Die in the West’ is a worthy Western sendup: Post

Image: E-cigarettes could save millions of lives, experts tell WHO
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: BOOM: Chris McDaniel for Senate

QOTD: "Obama chafes at ... even-handed analyses. He dismisses them as "false equivalence" because the president won't be happy until every news story casts him as the hero and Republicans as the villains.

In politics and in everyday life, rarely are both sides equally wrong, which is why journalists shouldn't draw false equivalence. [WaPo liberal writer Dan] Balz is an example of how to measure blame fairly, not necessarily equally.

Rarer still is one side 100 percent right, which is why Obama is guilty of false purity. Obama's intellectual dishonesty has prevented him from learning on the job, which is what's required of great presidents—the kind who overcome obstacles that others whine about." --Ron Fournier, National Journal

1 comment:

  1. Whitehall3:15 PM

    That link on wind farms leading to blackouts is behind the times. Here in California is happens often when the wind or sunshine suddenly fails to deliver the juice.

    When that happens, the state starts "demand management programs" that reduce air conditioning, turns off water coolers, etc, etc.

    When you put a wind farm on line, you need to put a gas turbine on line too so that when the wind stops, the turbine starts.
