Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: VA Gave Out Bonuses for Criminally Negligent Homicide

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VA Gave Out Bonuses for Criminally Negligent Homicide: Sara Noble
VA scandal has now spread to a seventh hospital: Bryan Preston
Obama Privately Outraged About VA Scandal!: Keith Koffler

Dear Buckeye Friends Living in John Boehner's District: The Local Malcontent
California Legalizes Genocide, No Joke: Declan Finn
Must-Watch Congressional Races, 2014 Edition: PJM

Shift Power Back to the States: RS
The Twilight Zone and Amnesty: RS
Hillary's Health Matters: Cal Thomas

Rove Myth Debunked: Jen Kuznicki
POLITICO poll: These are the voters that will decide the 2014 election: David Freddoso
POLITICO poll shows mounting danger for Dems: Politico


America's fastest-growing class of millionaires? Public employees: Instapundit
Feds used donations intended for poor for massages, luxuries for themselves: Exam
Unemployment, Horrible Economy, Poor Leadership: What Ails America: JWF

Scandal Central

Judicial Watch Obtains Document Revealing Scope of Obamacare Rollout Disaster: JW
Obama to Fundraiser: We’re Debating ‘About What, Benghazi? Obamacare? It’s Not Serious’: Tatler
Obama Was Warned About VA Problems Six Years Ago: JWF

Executive Branch Bypasses Congress to Impose Financial Sanctions on… Legal Gun Dealers: Outcast
Donna Brazile, Vice Chair Of The DNC, Longs For Communism: WZ
Obama Admin Slaps Gun Sellers With “High Risk” Label Cutting Off Their Lines of Credit: WZ

Climate & Energy

Breaking: The “97 Percent Climate Consensus” Canard: Power Line
Watergate don’t bother me, does EPA bother you?: John Hayward
John Kerry slams climate change critics in graduation speech: Daily Mail


A Year After Obama Pledged To Take 5% Pay Cut, WH Won’t Confirm If He Actually Did: Nice Deb
ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems: MRC
Check Your Privilege in the Maintenance Shed: Mark Steyn

Bob Schieffer Gives Tim Geithner The Softest Interview In The History Of Television: NRO
Proof That the L eft is a Bunch of Wussies: VictoryGirls
A War Against Veterans?: Eagle Rising

Misogyny Among the Fairer Sex: Taki's Mag
Conservative student goes on stage, reveals he has a disability and then blows peoples’ minds: YC
College Wins US Debate Championship By Repeating the N-Word Over and Over: PunditPress


Hamas video raises concerns of possible train attack: Hayom
US Charges 5 Chinese Military Hackers in '21st Century Burglary': ABC
Mainstream Britain still doesn't understand UKIP: Commentator

The Belgian Connection: Peter Schiff
Border Overrun With Illegal Immigrant Minors Thanks To Obama’s DREAM Amnesty: WZ
Margaret Thatcher of India?: Mona Charen

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Massive survey finds Comcast and TWC are the two most hated companies in America – period: BGR
China Counters US Claims with Own Charges of Cyber-espionage: CIO
Cisco CEO Warns Obama To Rein In NSA Or Face Collapse Of Trust In US Tech (And Cisco Sales): ZH


Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans From Every Angle: NoisyRm
Climate science in chaos due to shortage of scary synonyms: Cube
‘The Internet has got to be free and open and neutral!’: Berners-Lee wows at The Webbys: Twitchy

Image: The Local Malcontent
Sponsored by: KENTUCKY: Fight Mitch McConnell's Lies: The Tea Party Backs Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "...Big Racism is trying to lay the predicate for another round of Brown v. Board of Education lawsuits aimed at imposing racial gerrymandering on student populations and the makeup of faculty in elementary and secondary schools. This report is just another small part of the grand scheme.

Many factors go into improving student performance. Diversity in the faculty may be one, no one knows. Even if it is, the cost and injustice of achieving such an ideal is too great for the benefit. How does having minority children in predominantly minority schools interacting with mostly minority teachers prepare them for the work force? What are the ethical considerations of assigning minority teachers to low performing schools based on their race then evaluating them based on student achievement when we know the teacher’s race more likely than not can’t influence that outcome? Shouldn’t experienced and motivated teachers, regardless of race, be given incentives to move to low performing schools rather than using an “alternative credentialing” process to hire minority teachers. (I apologize here if I seem to conflate schools with high minority populations with low performing schools. This isn’t the case.)

By defining diversity as something that is good, despite no evidence that it actually produces anything other than grievance mongering, the left attempts to encourage racial animosity and division for their own political ends and personal gain." --streiff

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The VA debacle can be easily remedied - pass a law that veterans of the legislatures and other government bureaucrats must use the same medical plans and facilities as military veterans.

    BTW - In the 2011 campaign, Newt Gingrich brought up the scandalous non-care that Vets get at the VA and recommended mainstreaming them into civilian hospitals and clinics...assuring they got the same care as private citizens.

    This is not a new problem. There have always been waiting lists and horrible conditions in VA hospitals and clinics. Military medicine can be sub-standard at times.
