Friday, June 27, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: As the Southern Border Burns, the Democrats Fiddle

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As the Southern Border Burns, the Democrats Fiddle: Power Line
Exclusive: ISIS Preparing To Attack American Homeland?: WZ
Contract Shows Obama Planned Border Invasion: IBD

Obama Suffers 12th Unanimous Defeat at Supreme Court: NRO
SCOTUS nixes His Imperial Majesty's recess appointments: WyBlog
SCOTUS Rules Obama NLRB Recess Appointments Are Invalid: Matt Vespa

Enough Invalidated Votes to Overturn Cochran Victory?: TFC
Chris McDaniel: We’ve Found 1,000 Illegal Votes in One County Alone: GWP
Starting to Look Like Thad Cochran’s Vote Tally Was Cheated: LibertyNews

Anti-McDaniel Flyer Sure Like Work of Barbour’s Super-PAC: Patterico
My response to the GOP pragmatists: PW
Warren Positioned To Take Advantage Of Clinton’s Flaws: Jonah Goldberg


Obama Is Not Finished: David Limbaugh
Bill Clinton: I Bought 14 Swiss Watches: YC
Truly Inane Bloomberg Analysis On Gold: Mish

Scandal Central

Issa Expands Investigation – Subpoenas 28 Years of Lois Lerner Emails: GWP
Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment: Breitbart
'Suspicious': Experts, GOP lawmakers question Lerner's lost email explanation: Judson Berger

Obama Once Again Threatens Tyrannical Executive Lawmaking on Immigration: Ace
Aimless, Halting Obama: Don't Pay Attention to “Phony Scandals” that are “Not on the Level”: FreeLight
Obama: "Cynicism" Is What People Have When I Fail: Ace

Climate & Energy

The EPA Overreaches Again: Blake Hurst
No Denying Climate Change Deniers: Cal Thomas
Ahhhh, now we’re gettin’ somewhere: Sondrakistan


CNN: Latest emails don’t look good for Lois Lerner, imply IRS ran political witch hunt: Scoop
The moment Hillary Clinton let loose on Obama during booze-fueled rant: Daily Mail
Hillary made a secret deal with Huma to keep Weiner quiet: PageSix

Liberals Champion Freedom Of Speech — Except In Politics: Michael Barone
A Tale as Old as Time: Juliette Turner
Networks Let Obama Escape Blame for Yet Another Crisis of His Making: MRC


Emboldened ISIS Threatens Americans: IPT
Obama Asks For $500 Million To Arm “Moderate” Syrian Islamist Rebels: WZ
Now John Kerry Thinks He is the Ruler of Kurdistan: Outcast

Why is This Not Betrayal?: Fjordman
A Frustrated Iranian Regime Turns Its Wrath Towards Its Domestic Rivals: MEMRI
Iran resistance leader predicts regime change in exclusive Fox News interview: Eric Shawn

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Photoshop Experiment: 1 Photograph, 27 Countries, 27 Definitions of ‘Beautiful’: PetaPixel
This is the largest movable machine in the world: Sploid
Google stops ignoring enterprise, adds EMM to Android: Larry Seltzer


A shining city on the hill, or the proverbial end of the line? Just asking.: MOTUS
We Shall LOL: Sondrakistan
Your afternoon facepalm: Sondrakistan

Image: Why is This Not Betrayal?
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: HELP STOP AMNESTY: DONATE TO CHRIS McDANIEL NOW!

QOTD: "Hillary Clinton berated President Barack Obama as ‘incompetent and feckless' and said he had become 'a joke' after having one too many glasses of wine at a reunion dinner last year with friends from college, a new tell-all book reveals.

'When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,' former Newsweek editor Edward Klein writes in his book Blood Feud.

'"The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered and there is no hand on the tiller half the time,"' Clinton is said to have barked in her boozy rant. ‘That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f***ing tiller ... Obama has turned into a joke," she said sharply... "The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and James Rosen’s emails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,"' Clinton reportedly told her pals.

'She went on to explain that Bill was a natural leader and great executive, unlike Obama, who was in her words "incompetent and feckless,"' Klein writes... At another point in the conversation Hillary is quoted as having said of Obama, 'You can’t trust the motherf***er' ... 'Obama has treated Bill and me incredibly shabbily. And we’re angry,'" Clinton continued." --Francesca Chambers

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