Saturday, August 09, 2014

CHRIS CHRISTIE: Enemy of the Second Amendment

The Michelin Man is attempting to resurrect his presidential ambitions after "Bridgegate."

The portly purveyor of populist pablum ("We just have to win") has a troubling record when it comes to fighting Islamofascism, Common Core, the Global Warming Climate Change Scam, Amnesty for illegal aliens, and Obamacare.

But it is Christie's hatred for the Second Amendment that is most disturbing. Consider this story: "Single Mom with Concealed Carry Permit Faces up to 11.5 Years for 'Honest Mistake' of Bringing Gun into NJ":

Philadelphia single mom Shaneen Allen got a concealed carry permit (CCW) and handgun after being the victim of two separate robberies in the past year. After an "honest mistake" in which she drove into New Jersey with the gun in her car, she also received a court date and faces up to 11.5 years in prison for violating NJ gun and ammunition laws.

Fox News reports that Allen was pulled over on October 1 for an "unsafe lane change" after entering NJ and told the officer she had a CCW and a .380 handgun in the vehicle. The handgun was "loaded with hollow-point bullets."

Allen was charged with "unlawful possession of the weapon and possession of hollow-point bullets." She had only owned the gun for one week prior to her arrest and has no criminal record. reports that when Allen appeared in court on August 5 she learned that "she faces a maximum of 11.5 years in prison—ten for the [weapon] possession, 18 months for the bullets." Moreover, the judge in the case "refused Allen the ability to enter into a 'pretrial intervention' program to avoid jail time."

The prosecution offered Allen a "five year... plea bargain with no option for parole for 3.5 years."

Allen is the single mother of two young sons.

Chris Christie isn't a conservative. He isn't electable. He's a jerk.


  1. Sounds like Mexico...take a wrong turn and they lock you up!

  2. Tip # 1
