Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: As Obama Golfs and Campaigns, Tanks Roll in Baghdad and a Country Unravels

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As Obama Golfs, Tanks Roll in Baghdad and a Country Unravels: AmInt
WH Responds to Hillary Foreign Policy Criticism: 'She Was Fully On Board': WS
GOP Rep. Ros-Lehtinen: Paul Ryan Works 'Every Day' for Amnesty: Breitbart

Holder loses big in North Carolina Voter I.D. case: LI
Total Breakdown In Less Than 24 Hours: Missouri Riots: Mac Slavo
WH implores lawyer allies to provide free services to illegals: Daily Mail

Just Devastating: Scoop
OMG: Obama tries to blame Bush for withdrawal from Iraq: Matzav
How Obama's Leadership Cripples America: Chuck Norris

Democrats of Unknown Party Affiliation: Leon Wolf
Chicago Police Chief: Law-Abiding Gun Owners are a Menace: Exam
"ISIS, you will never raise your flag in America": RightPlanet


The Cost of New York: Steven Malanga
Democrats paying their minority staffers around 60% of what whites are paid: Moe Lane
Study Finds Cash For Clunkers Decreased Industry Revenue By $3 Billion: LoneCon

Scandal Central

OPEN BORDERS: O'Keefe Crosses The TX-Mexico Border Dressed As Bin Laden: DC
Team Pant Suits Warned White House Hillary Was About To Trash Obama In The Press: WZ
Company That Built Country’s Worst Obamacare State Exchange Suing For “Slander”: WZ

Tavenner’s Missing E-Mails : Jillian Kay Melchior
Boston Globe unintentionally proves Elizabeth Warren’s ethnic fraud: LI
6 Years, $1.7 Bil Later DHS Visa System Deemed Failure: JW

Climate & Energy

How Nancy Pelosi Helped This Top Democrat Donor Nab Millions in Taxpayer Money: Kevin Mooney
Cooperation or Coercion on Climate: Is the EPA Trying to Deputize the States?: Federalist
Aussie Warmist: Hey, Let’s Just Ban Stuff: Cove


Do Huckabee’s Endorsements Hinge On Nepotism?: Jen Kuznicki
Not the response the RNC wanted: Dedicated Tenther
QOTD — Experience Matters: Economic Noise

Family Of Mike Brown Furious Over Rioting, Looting: We Didn’t Ask For This, Please Stop: WZ
TL Davis: Remarks At Yapfest: WRSA
Former NFL player: Democrat party is destroying black communities: Allen West

Obama Golfing Relentlessly on Martha’s Vineyard: Keith Koffler
FLASHBACK: Obama Vows Not To Take Vacations If Elected President: WZ
ABC and NBC Use False Talking Points to Counter Criticism of Obama's Vacation: MRC


Emboldened ISIS Threatens Americans: IPT
ISIS Threatens Holocaust Against Jews: IPT
Obama’s Evil Reason For Not Hitting ISIS/ISIL: Sara Noble

ISIS Not As Fond of Death As They Advertise: Jawa
Does Obama Still Believe ISIS Is A Junior Varsity Team?: S&L
Confronting ISIS — ‘It takes an army to defeat an army’: Cal Thomas

What went wrong in Iraq?: Rottweiler
US Sending Arms to Kurds in Iraq: ABC
Lawsuit Accuses Arab Bank of Rewarding Suicide Bombers: Daily Signal

Al Qaeda Said ISIS Was Too Brutal-->21-Page Letter Found In Bin Laden Hide Out: Lid
Jihadists Systematically Behead Christian Children in Iraq: MB
The Islamic State (Part 3): Vice

Random Thoughts: Power, Hamas, and Obamacare: IMAO
Who is Sister Christine? Brave Nun, 77, Rips Down Isis Flag in Tower Hamlets: Dominic Gover
Barbier, Beelzebuth, and Anti-Semitism: The French Socialists’ Conundrum: Michel Gurfinkel

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Top 10 Reasons Drones are Disruptive: Peter Diamandis, Singularity Hub
I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me: Mat Honan, Wired
Drones Join Fighter Jets in Striking Targets in Iraq: DefTech


Police officers aren’t the ones destroying the black community: Matt Walsh
“Cold hearted Orb that rules the night…butt we decide which is “right” and which is illusion.”: MOTUS
Actor Robin Williams Found Dead in Apparent Suicide, Says Sheriff: Tatler

Image: Robin Williams, Oscar-Winning Actor, Dead at 63 of Suicide
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Defeat the Obamacare Six

QOTD: "Iraq is unraveling fast. If reports of fighting between Maliki’s forces and troops loyal to President Masoum turn out to be correct, it means that the factional fighting that has torn apart the provinces has now spread to the capital—even as ISIS waits outside, licking its chops.

The fact that President Obama thought that the day of an Iraqi coup was a good time to hang on the Vineyard and get on the links is bad news. Either the President blew off warnings from his advisors, or the intel community got blindsided again. Both possibilities reflect badly on the management of the nation’s affairs.

The unraveling of Iraq under the grimmest of circumstances is a major policy challenge for this president and for the United States as a whole. There’s nothing wrong with a president wanting some down time with the kids, but President Obama needs to be and be seen to be taking control of events. Going on vacation as the tanks roll in Baghdad and as Americans fly back into combat over Iraq is not where a leader needs to be." --Walter Russell Mead

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Obama has raised the flag of ISIL over the White House by stating he sides with Muslims, by paying them to be advisors, by being active - or passive on their behalf, by re-writing them into our history, by observing their holidays, by wearing their ring; and the list goes on.
    Screw you America, what are you going to do about it?
