Thursday, September 11, 2014

Larwyn's Linx: Obama Leading On ISIS? LOL

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Obama Leading On ISIS? LOL: Just One Minute
Didn’t Barack Obama Declare the War on Terror Over?: Erick Erickson
And now, a word from Dick Cheney: Power Line

Obama’s ISIS plan: Outsourcing national security in a chaotic world: Allen West
The Nowhere Man Goes to War: Roger L. Simon
American Muslim Leaders Insist Islamic State Not Islamic: IPT

Hordes of Illegal Aliens Are Sinking Boston Suburb: MB
Schools Ordered To Waive Health, Immunization Rules For Illegals: TR
Get Angry Now: Ann Coulter

Ted Cruz’s Chief of Staff Move to Campaign Team a Hopeful Sign: Erick Erickson
Demographics and the GOP: Peter Wehner
The Thrill Is Gone… Obama Rejected from Top NY Golf Courses: GWP


Most Unemployed Demographic Hit Hardest by Illegal Immigration: RebelPundit
Top Five Reasons to Oppose the "Paycheck Fairness Act": FW
Doubling Down on Inflation: Peter Schiff

Scandal Central

Gut-Busting Hilarity: IRS Thug Koskinen Says ‘Whenever we can, we follow the law’: JWF
Former prosecutor: Wisconsin investigation fueled by “hyper-partisan” DA and union activist wife: Hot Air
Partisanship in Milwaukee DA Office Rampant: MediaTrackers

Study Shows ISIS Fighting with U.S. Military Weapons Supplied to Syrian “Rebels”: RWN
Landrieu Misses Deadline For Taxpayer-Funded Private Flights Internal Investigation: HayRide
Cruz Letter: Why is the IRS Auditing Breitbart News?: RWN

Climate & Energy

Another Porky from Mann, Williams and Fontaine: Climate Audit
Oops: First Species Wiped Out By Climate Change Lives: Cove
EPA Proposed Regulation Would Significantly Hurt Access to Electricity: RS


NYT Chief: Obama Ignored Iraq Problems, and Even Denied Their Reality, for Political Reasons: Ace
Hume: Obama's Speech an Acknowledgement He's Been Completely Wrong: RightPundit
Downtown Chicago: Only 20 people show up for anti-war protest; Oktoberfest drowns them out: Marathon

CAIR Wants Obama to Distinguish Islamic State From Islam: CNS
Obama: ISIS is not Islamic: Scoop
Some people noticed something peculiar about Obama’s American flag pin; Symbolic?: Twitchy


‘If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you.’ – Ted Cruz: Moe Lane
Never Forget: Qatar’s Role in the September 11 Attacks: Mister Chambers
ISIS Giving Nigeria's Boko Haram Advice on Establishing African Caliphate: Christian Post

Abbas turns down Egypt offer of “Palestinian” state in Sinai Peninsula five times larger than Gaza: JihadWatch
Are the Orcs Winning?: Victor Davis Hanson
Did NYT Just Provide Proof of Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operations in the United States?: Breitbart

When Defense Cuts Go Too Far: WeaponsMan
Russia Test Fires Bulava Intercontinental Nuclear Missile: GWP
Solzhenitsyn & The Return of the False Dimitris: Peter Strzelecki

55 years a slave: The new Cuba-Brazil human traffic: Fausta
A coalition of the unwilling to defeat the Islamic State: Commentator
Islamophobia?: Lauri B. Regan

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Net Neutrality: You Never Know What You Have 'til It's Gone: Noreen Seebacher, CMS Wire
Why Banks Are Buying In to Apple Pay: American Banker
Drone's eye view of Burning Man 2014: Cory Doctorow


This is the kind of s***...: Feral Irishman
Obama Is Giving A Speech Tonight...: 90 Miles
‘Tranny’ Michelle and 2 others BANNED from Joan Rivers’ funeral service: RWN

Image: HUNDREDS Of Ferguson Protesters Stop Traffic – Clash With Police on Hanley Road – Bricks Tossed
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: STOP the Obamacare Six

QOTD: "Pity Barack Obama. Our hapless chief executive must be suffering from a cognitive disorder the size of Alpha Centauri. The poor guy grew up on the anti-imperialist mouthings of lefty poet Frank Marshall Davis, schoolboy revolutionary Bill Ayers and later anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, not to mention the well-known anti-American excrescences of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and now he has to go to war — as an imperialist — against the very Third World people he was told again and again we colonized and destroyed. His head must be about to explode.

No wonder he insisted in his Wednesday night speech that the Islamic State is not Islamic — what is it? Hindu? Zoroastrian? A lost tribe of Hasidic Jews? — and that we are fighting an amorphous “terrorist group” (the Irish Republican Army? Basque separatists perhaps?), not the jihadism whose violent ideology has so obviously metastasized across several continents under many guises during his administration with no end remotely in sight. He dares not name our enemy, although it’s almost impossible to imagine how we could win without doing so. He cannot say anything that’s true because he doesn’t know what is true or, perhaps more likely, is terrified to know and then have to admit it. If he did, everything would unravel, not just the jejune Marxism of Frank Marshall Davis. Everything.

But he does know what his poll numbers are and they aren’t good. So we are where we are. Half way in and half way out. Forget Winston Churchill. Forget Douglas MacArthur. The USA is going to war with a nowhere man who no longer knows what he stands for — and who originally stood for very little more than widely discredited and tired left-wing drivel masquerading as hope and change. Now even that’s gone, a distant memory." --Roger L. Simon


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    War is an antidote for a failed economy, Barry is grasping at straws now.
    The fine mess the man child has plunged us into certainly highlights the good judgment of the W Administration. Bush defined the enemy, he chose the battlefield, he won the victory, and he delivered a new order of things to "Little Barry".
    Even W knew at the time he was handing the car keys to an adolescent idiot, but such is the system when LoFo's and Gimme People are used as cannon fodder.

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The media like to call what He is doing......a "pivot".......were His name Bush.....well then of course, it would be a "flip-flop."
