Thursday, January 01, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Obama Frees a Nuclear Terrorist

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Obama Frees a Nuclear Terrorist: Daniel Greenfield
A Year of Liberal Double Standards: Jonah Goldberg
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The Great Divider: Leonard Levitt
Thanks, de Blasio! NYPD Facing “Kill a Pig Night” to Celebrate New Year: JWF
Obama's Anti-Cop Jihad: William Michael

Protesters Take Over/Thrown Out of St. Louis Police Headquarters: Lid
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Happy New Year, John Boehner!: Andrew Klavan


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Climate & Energy

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Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

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Presenting The 2014 Mug Shots Of The Year: TSG
Johnny Manziel clearly doesn't think he's playing football for a while: TMZ Sports

Image: Protesters Take Over/Thrown Out of St. Louis Police Headquarters
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: FISHER HOUSE: Helping Military Families

QOTD: "Mohammed Zahir may not go back to his old tasks of smuggling heroin to Washington D.C. or trying to assemble materials for an atomic bomb. Or this top Taliban intelligence official may decide to pick up where he left off. It’s bad enough that Obama is empowering Iran’s quest for a nuclear bomb, but now he has also managed to aid the Taliban’s search for weapons of mass destruction.

Americans no longer expect the man in the White House not to release terrorists. We no longer expect him not to release dangerous terrorists who will go on to kill Americans. Now we also know that it’s useless to expect him not to release terrorists caught trying to assemble materials for a nuclear bomb.

We’ve tried to grade Obama on a curve when it comes to national security, but the curve just got nuked.

The very lowest possible expectation we can have of Obama is that he won’t release a nuclear terrorist. And even this lowest of all possible expectations proved too much for him to live up to.

Which terrorists will Obama release next? The answer appears to be all of them." --Daniel Greenfield

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