Tuesday, January 06, 2015

RUSH: It's absolutely unprecedented how the Republican Party is maltreating its base

By Rush Limbaugh

They can't believe at The Hill that anybody would challenge John Boehner.

And do you know why? Do you know why they can't believe that? Because if you read -- you don't have to go very far -- halfway into the story you find out at The Hill it is John Boehner who gets credit for all of the new House Republican seats. I kid you not. It is the most amazing thing. And these people think that they are a cut above, they're smarter than everybody else. This is their business, not ours. They know it; we don't. They're sitting in there and they're writing -- and The Hill is typical. It's not an outlier. They really think, why would these Tea Party types, why would these Republicans be upset with Boehner? Why, he just led to unprecedented victory for Republicans in the House.

They don't know that Boehner had nothing to do with it. They don't know that the Republicans didn't even mount a campaign. They don't know that it's the Tea Party that engineered this massive Republican majority in the Senate, as well as the House. They really don't know this...

There are people at the highest levels of the establishment who believe the myths that they create, and they really, some of them, when they write stories like this that they don't understand why there's so many upset with Boehner. Why, look what he did, my God, he's led the Republicans to the biggest House majority since Truman. They really believe that, folks...

It's just breathtaking...

When you think about it, the Republican leadership's attitude toward its own base is pretty much unprecedented. The Democrat Party never, at least publicly, rejects its base or impugns its base or makes fun of its base or wishes its base didn't exist. The Democrat Party never, ever publicly does anything to diminish the image of their base, the reality, the existence of their base. They never do anything to humiliate them, and yet the Republican Party thrives on it.

The Republican Party is doing everything it can to dismantle its own base, as identified by the Tea Party. It's doing everything it can to impugn them, to join the Democrats in mocking and making fun and to render their base, their own base impotent...

Here we've just given the House Republicans the biggest majority in both houses they've ever seen, and they're out actively attempting to impugn, destroy, mock, make fun of the people that gave it to them, their own voters. It's a stunning thing to behold...

As far as Republican voters are concerned, from amnesty, to Obamacare, to spending, to the budget, there is no uncertainty; they want Obama stopped.

They don't want bipartisanship. They don't want cooperation. They don't want Washington to work. And they don't want to hear people brag about the definition of Washington working equaling how many bills have been passed. How many bills have been passed is where the problems begin because every time a bill has been passed, some kind of freedom has been lost, in some cases a lot of it. From separation of powers, to borders, there isn't any gray area.

Republican voters are stand-out clear about their desires. And the demarcation lines are very simple, and Republican Party leadership need to follow the Chamber of Commerce and the donor class where they can follow their voters. They've thrown in with the donor class...

Now, those of you who are individual donors, when added together, yours are big bucks, too, but individually you don't have the power that the head honcho of the Chamber of Commerce does, at least with this current Republican leadership. And it isn't just the Chamber. It's certain people on Wall Street, certain people in finance. But that's pretty much the line of demarcation. And the Republican leadership, I don't think there's any gray area about this. The Republican leadership seems to have thrown in with the Chamber and the donor class rather than follow its voters, which, if they did, they would thrive.

The Republican base trusts in God, trusts in families, free markets, Constitution. And they're sick of the BS...

They're sick of being insulted.

Read more at RushLimbaugh.com.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    You are 100% correct Rush. We are sick and tired of being ignored, ridiculed and abused. We are sick of the RINOs and the bait and switch. We are sick of the GOP "leadership" trying to change the narrative of the Nov. election, saying that the American people want compromise and for them to negotiate. That is pure BS to so it will make their betrayals not look so bad. We gave them this majority to STOP Obama and STOP the out of control spending, waste and paybacks to big donors. We are DONE. In 2016, if the GOP think they can force Jeb Bush on us and we will fall in line - they have another think a comin. No more. Never - NEVER again. The fact that John Boehner was just reelected as Speaker is a disgrace. He and McConnell are Obama enablers and WE ARE SICK OF IT. NO MORE.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I totally agree with the first anonymous commenter.
