Wednesday, March 18, 2015

NOT ISLAMIC AT ALL: Remember how Obama congratulated radical Islamists after their elections (but ignored Israel)?

By Warner Todd Huston

Our petty president Barack Hussein Obama has thus far today refused to personally congratulate Benjamin Netanyahu on his landslide re-election as Israel’s Prime Minister. But a look back at other recent elections shows that he had no problem immediately congratulating radical Islamist tyrants on their election victories. Obama even immediately congratulated one of our biggest international enemies, Vladimir Putin, on his last election victory.

As David Steinberg notes Obama immediately congratulated Turkey’s Erdogan–a radical Islamist tyrant. He also congratulated Egypt’s president not to mention praising the faux “election” of the terror-supporting Iranian president. He also congratulated Putin, the Saudis, Morsi and a whole list of other Islamist tyrants.

And how does the US government congratulate Bibi Netanyahu on his landslide re-election?

Our president stays silent and instead Obama sends John “Lurch” Kerry to do the duty.

Once again this proves that Barack Obama is a friend to tyrants and an opponent to free peoples everywhere.

But this should not surprise anyone. After all, Obama sent his operatives over to Israel to work to defeat Netanyahu. Obama, it seems, finally saw a regime change plan he liked. Fortunately Obama failed to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu.

Read more Warner Todd Huston at

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    If Barry was at very least a Radical Islamic Terrorist Sympathizer, how would his actions be any different? Case closed! And Barry is nothing but a teleprompter reading sock puppet. It is clear that Valerie Jarrett, with her Iranian connections, is the Puppet Master.
