Thursday, April 30, 2015

HILLARITY: Top 10 Times Hillary Lied About the Clinton Foundation During Her Confirmation Hearings

With a tip o' the cap to James:

#1: Clinton: "...the Office of Government Ethics and the career ethics officials at the State Department have looked at the rules and concluded there is not an inherent conflict of interest in any of my husband’s work at all. However, the foundation and the president-elect decided to go beyond what the law and the ethics rules call for to address even the appearance of conflict and that is why they signed a memorandum of understanding, which outlines the voluntary steps that the foundation is taking to address potential concerns that might come up down the road.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#2: Clinton: “The memorandum of understanding is, as you know, public and the president-elect and the foundation and I have all worked to be very transparent. My team has stayed in close touch with the committee and we’ve addressed the committee’s questions on these issues in a broad range of written answers which are part of the so-called QFRs, the questions for the record.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#3: Clinton: "...when it was all submitted to the Office of Government Ethics, they said there was no inherent conflict. My husband doesn’t take a salary. He has no financial interests in any of this. I don’t take a salary. I have no financial interests. So out of that abundance of caution and a desire to avoid even the appearance, the president-elect’s transition team began working with the foundation to try to craft an agreement that would avoid the appearance of a conflict but would also ensure that the foundation can continue its work.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#4: Clinton: “So the work of the foundation, the confidence that it has created with donors who know that it has an extremely low percentage that goes to any overhead. It has a very transparent way that it uses the money...” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#5: Clinton: "...I think that the MOU and the other undertakings that have been worked out between the president-elect and the transition and the foundation and my husband have looked very broadly at all of the questions that you’re raising, and there are answers to many of these questions in the collection of answers that we have provided.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#6: Clinton: All contributors will be disclosed and all contributors to the Clinton Global Initiative are disclosed and public as of now anyway.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#7: Clinton: "The money of any donors to put on the Clinton Global Initiative are public and there is no ongoing – you know, the foundation is a yearly event. It’s unlike the foundation. So we will clarify it. We will definitely clarify that for you.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#8: Clinton: "...the transparency and disclosure that is needed ... it goes beyond any kind of legal or ethical consideration. And not only that, there will be ongoing – there will be ongoing reviews by anything that is brought to the attention of the career professionals ... So when my husband agreed to disclose the contributions to his foundation, that was a very unprecedented event, which he was happy to do. But the Clinton Global Initiative, which is separate from the foundation, has always disclosed the contributions.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#9: Clinton: "...when my husband agreed to disclose the contributions to his foundation, that was a very unprecedented event, which he was happy to do. But the Clinton Global Initiative, which is separate from the foundation, has always disclosed the contributions.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)

#10: Clinton: "...foreign government pledges will be submitted to the State Department for review. I don’t know who will be giving money. That will not influence, it was not be in the atmosphere. When the disclosure occurs, obviously, it was be after the fact. So it would be hard to make an argument that it influenced anybody because we don’t know about it.” (Committee On Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Hillary Clinton Confirmation Hearing, 1/13/09)


Hat tip: BadBlue News.

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