Saturday, May 09, 2015

A prediction I pray is wrong

By Dan Friedman

In the coming years, it will be harder and harder for Americans to remain indifferent to Islamic terrorism, because so much of it will be close to home disrupting our daily lives and dividing the nation along a deep ideological fault line.

We’ve already seen the split that followed in the aftermath of the Texas cartoon contest - as many condemned Pamela Geller as praised her.

That’s only a small taste of things to come.

As terrorist attacks in our nation become more frequent and more deadly, American thinking will become more sharply divided, pitting one side blaming the victims for being “provocative” against the other side blaming the Islamists for being terrorists.

Depending on which worldview prevails, an oppressive atmosphere could settle over the USA – and for all and intents and purposes that would mean the terrorists have won a decisive battle in their Jihad to destroy our society and way of life.

The wild card in all this is the outcome of the 2016 election. It is probably our best (and last) hope.

Americans are not quick studies and are easily distracted. 9/11 was a warning most of us have already forgotten. If we don’t elect a president who loves our Constitution, shares our values, and is willing to do the hard work to reverse Obama’s damage, we will suffer a slow death like the frog in the kettle.

What happens after that is anyone’s guess.
Related: Democrats Now Cast Terrorists as Victims.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    America has been turned upside down by the lying Muslim con artist. I agree 110% that if the lazy American people don't wake up and start paying attention and vote for Ted Cruz in 2016, our beloved country will be gone forever. Sold down the river for a permanent voter majority and invites to all the "in" parties. What always galls me is that the folks who think Obama is a good president, and man, all have the ways and means to rise above his destruction. It doesn't "hit home" for them like it does the rest of us. I hate Obama and all the lying politicians with every fiber of my being. Loathe and despise them. They are subhuman monsters. Not human.
