Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: The ‘Hate Speech’ Canard: Ticket to Tyranny

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The ‘Hate Speech’ Canard: Ticket to Tyranny: Tom Blumer
Breaking the Democrats' Electoral College Blue Wall: Richard Baehr
Pentagon It is Preparing For a Mass Civil Breakdown in America: John Hawkins

The amusing fight between the Clinton Foundation and Charity Navigator: Moe Lane
20 Days And Counting Since Hillary Clinton Took a Question From the Press: Glob
Washington's new odd couple: Obama and McConnell: Joseph Perticone

Republican Lawmakers Urge Court to Block Immigration Expansion: Todd Ruger
Myths about LA County's Successful 287(g) Program: Jessica Vaughan
Nullification Spreading: Minnesota Invalidates FDA Restrictions: Bob Adelmann

Clinton cash matters to every American: Peter Schweizer
The Real Takeaways From the Halperin-Cruz Interview: David Limbaugh
Jeb Bush, Common Core cronie$, Pearson, PARCC, and your kids’ privacy: Michelle Malkin


Will American capitalism be a victim of the rise of fascism-lite?: Bookworm
A Simple Infographic to Understand the Choice in 2016: RS
Reports: Hawaii’s Obamacare insurance exchange closing down at cost of $205 million: Twitchy

Scandal Central

Report: Clinton Foundation Tried to ‘Strong-Arm’ Leading Charity Watchdog: WFB
Federal Court Reopens State Dept. FOIA Lawsuit: “Newly Discovered Evidence” of Clinton Crimes: JW
‘Tar. Feathers. Some Assembly Required’: Camp o' the Saints

Climate & Energy

22 Very Inconvenient Climate Truths: WUWT
Antarctica Has So Much Sea Ice Global Warming Loons Have Trouble Getting There: WZ
Study: CO2 emissions have increased water-efficiency of European trees: Junk Science


Arrogant Democrat Partisan Mark Halperin Subjects Ted Cruz to Racial Purity Test: Ace
Mark Halperin apologizes to Ted Cruz for questions about Cuban heritage: Ben Kamisar
Ted Cruz Introduces His Mom to the World: Tatler

Michelle Obama explains why Sarah Palin was treated so poorly by the media: Allen West
Michelle Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough: BuzzPo
Katie Couric Tries To Intimidate Carly Fiorina…And Fails : Tammy Bruce

Stalker Tries to Kill George Zimmerman: Treehouse
Banning Unruly Students from an Art Museum is Now Deemed Racist: iOTWreport
Totalitarian-Lovers at The Nation revert to form: RS


Child Sex Slaves Presented for Sale Naked at Islamic State Bazaars: MB
CNN: Radical Islam Is A ‘Made-Up Idea’: Caleb Howe
CNN quickly cuts away from Japanese leader saying TPP will enable free flow of people: By Howard Richman

Britain in Crisis: David Cameron’s troubles are just beginning: Theodore Dalrymple
The British elections: Cal Thomas
Big surprise in Britain: Conservatives Beat Labour — and the Polls: Michael Barone

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The World in 2025: 8 Predictions for the Next 10 Years: SingularityHUB
Illinois police will use drones, won't say 'drones': Mona Lalwani
Google's self-driving cars involved in 11 accidents, says director: BusinessTodaya


Carly Fiorina May Not Win, But Facing the Press Isn’t the Issue It Is for Hillary Clinton: Joe Concha
All Our Balls Are Deflated Around Here: MOTUS
Boston U. Professor Under Fire for ‘Problem Population’ Comment About White Men: Tina Nguyen

Image: Obama sends McConnell a note on Loretta Lynch
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site

QOTD: "The candidacy of Carly Fiorina is a fascinating one from a media perspective. She’s a former CEO and political candidate…with both of those pursuits ending with her being dismissed.

The easy line of questioning of Ms. Fiorina has become apparent early and often regardless of the many outlets she’s appeared on since announcing her candidacy last week, and it sounds something like this:

If you got fired as CEO of a company, what makes you think you could be president?

If and when Hillary Clinton—the likely Democratic nominee—actually sits down for a major interview in any capacity, it will be interesting if she’s faced with the same scrutiny regarding her performance in her last job as Fiorina has endured. To that end, feel free to answer these questions: What was Mrs. Clinton’s signature achievement as Secretary of State for five years? And if we’re going through the full LinkedIn page…what was her signature achievement as senator? Why was she fired by Democratic voters in 2008 in favor of another candidate who wanted to be CEO of the party…and of the country for that matter?" --Joe Concha


  1. The Republicans are trying to HELP OBAMA save the TPP trade deal that will destroy the country? I couldn't leave the Republican (crony capitalist) party fast enough.

    I'm sorry you linked to Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh opened his show talking about the NFL. He did not mention the TPP trade pact AT ALL! Rush Limbaugh will not say a word against treasonous Republicans!

    It's almost Mark Levin time. I'll bet he doesn't open his show talking about the NFL. I'll be he comes out blazing.

  2. Jon Stewart has been completely silent about the TPP, also. Rush Limbaugh is America's anchorman. Jon Stewart is our most trusted newsman, a national treasure.

    Neither Limbaugh nor Stewart has said a word about the Osama bin Laden raid lies. Such is news commentary these days.


  3. Thanks very much, Doug.
