Monday, May 18, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: What Stephanopoulos still hasn’t disclosed

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What Stephanopoulos still hasn’t disclosed: Paul Mirengoff
The Fall of Ramadi: Moe Lane
McConnell Sings Obama’s Praises During Chat With Stephanopoulos: Donn Marten

Anti-Semitism and Jewish Dissonance on the Way to 2016: Matthew Hausman
Ted Cruz, the Only Republican Arrogant Enough to Be President: David P. Goldman
Why NSA surveillance is worse than you’ve ever imagined: James Bamford

Bored to Death: Do Jeb and Hillary Really Want to Be President?: Roger L. Simon
Cities On Fire – Seattle: NoisyRm
U.S. attorney's bizarre statement on Tsarnaev death sentence: Thomas Lifson

Convention of the States: Marty R. Brown
Immigration: 445,000 awaiting a court date, which might not come for 4 years: LAT
Crime Plummets in Chicago as Conceal Carry Permits Rise: Keith Farrell


It’s Time For An Equal Tax: Amy Otto
US Spending on Social Programs 17 times that of Socialist China: GWP
The Student-Loan Problem Is Even Worse Than Official Figures Indicate: Instapundit

Scandal Central

The Amtrak Crash: Why The FBI Lied And Why It Is No Freak Accident: Shoebat
Call Hillary’s Consigliere, Cover Up Queen Cheryl Mills, To Testify: WZ
Stop me if you’ve heard this one; Hillary took money from more companies seeking influence: Jazz Shaw


Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False: Arjun Walia
The case for conservative civil disobedience: Carlos Lozada
Barack Obama Tried to Silence Political Speech in 2007: Sara Noble

Like Father, Like Daughter: Al Sharpton’s Kid Sues NYC for $5 Million For Sprained Ankle: DC
‘Clinton Cash’ author: George Stephanopoulos guilty of ‘hidden-hand journalism’: Morgan Chalfant
‘Clinton Cash’ Author Reveals Other Ties Stephanopoulos DIDN’T Admit or Apologize For: Sooper


Islamic State overruns Anbar Operations Command, takes full control of Ramadi: LWJ
‘Strategy to defeat Islamic State is working,’ US Department of Defense claims: Bill Roggio
Breaking the Silence about EU-backed NGO War on Israel: LI

Time to Stand Up to China in the South China Sea: Michael Mazza
What The West Needs To Know About Islam: William J. Federer
Amb. Power’s Bizarre Analogy: Columbia Mattress Girl and Afghan women: LI

Obama: that chlorine gas Syria is using, well I’m fine with it: RS
The Mayaguez Incident: RS
The U.S. State Department Is Now Al-Qaeda’s Command And Control Center: Shoebat

Revisiting the Rose Garden fiasco at the Vatican: Vlad Tepes
NATO foreign ministers meet to discuss Russian aggression: RS
Paris: In Latest Violent Antisemitic Attack Two Assailants Pin Down Victim While Another Beats Him: Algemeiner

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

NASA sets $2.25m prize for 3D printed Mars habitats: SlashGear
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh's radical experiment led 14% of employees to quit: Richard Feloni
New Jersey looks to the future, plans to deregulate Verizon landline phone service: WyBlog


The Opposite of Diversity: UNIVERSITY*… So Shut Up!: MOTUS
Preakness Stakes Snapchat Shows a Chivalrous Cam Newton: Black and Blue Review
Picture exclusive: James Bond crew take to the Thames to film for Spectre: Spectator

Image: Nine killed in fight between bikers in Texas
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site

QOTD: The left has to do some soul-searching and reflect why it describes anti-Semitism as political expression, but criticism of Muslims as hate speech. Liberal Jews have to do the same about Obama.

...The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (“BDS”) and Israel Apartheid Week (“IAW”) movements are purely creations of the progressive left in partnership with Islamist interests. The left is obsessed with demonizing Israel and advancing anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, with progressive academics routinely defending campus anti-Semitism as political speech while simultaneously censoring any criticism of Muslims as “Islamophobic.”" --Matthew Hausman


  1. Great fookin' links.

    Great job.

  2. The Vlad Tepes link?
    Either using the hyperlink, or via Bing/front door of blog. Yields the NSA white screen of death.

    And yeah, they really, really don't have anything better to do (been there, seen that. Nothing new. Nooh. Nothing new at all). Bellee dat.

    Yet another day passes and Rush Limbaugh HAS NOT SAID ONE WORD ABOUT THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP. A week of deflated footballs was more important. Mad Men was more important. This is not an accident. Limbaugh is avoiding it on purpose, providing cover for the corrupt Mitch McConnell.

    A story about Elizabeth Warren (I disagree with her on most everything, but a stopped clock is occasionally right) and the TPP was the lead on The Huffington Post all day today.

    This is today's "Pearl of Wisdowm" from Rush:

    Pearls of Wisdom
    May 18, 2015
    "The mess this country is in, domestically and around the world, is traceable to the Oval Office since being occupied by Barack Obama. It has nothing to do with Marco Rubio, nothing to do with Jeb Bush, nothing to do with any of these Republicans. They've got nothing to answer for."

    Rubio, who supports the TPP? Jeb Bush, who supports open borders and amnesty? GWB, who spent like there was no tomorrow? Boehner, who willingly funds all this? No Republican is accountable for anything?

    The minute establishment RINOs attacked the tea party, I decided there was no point staying a Republican. The party now works for corporations and rich donors only.
