Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Dems, Republicans & Experts Question Terms of Iran Deal

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Dems, Republicans & Experts Question Terms of Iran Deal: Clarion
Another Blow To IRS: Judge Demands Info on Lerner Emails, With 7/1 Hearings: Lid
Hillary Lauded Chris Stevens Dad's Request Not To Politicize Benghazi: Micheal Warren

‘Clinton Cash’ author demolishes Hillary’s self-defense: Peter Schweizer
Hillary and History: Thomas Sowell
Clinton’s Weakness in Important States: Michael Barone

Grinchy Deray Mckesson Goes To Charleston…: Treehouse
Look who supported the Confederate cause!: Brian Maloney
How Did Valerie Jarrett Pass A Background Check?: NoisyRoom

Manly Man Obama: “I know what I’m doing and I’m fearless”: JWF
Obama uses the N-word in podcast interview: Nick Gass
Why does President Obama criticize the Supreme Court so much?: Greg Jaffe

Feds Attempt to Intimidate Reason.com Over Internet Comments: Leon H. Wolf
A Racial Fort Sumter?: Jim Goad
Restaurant Cook Shoots Armed Robber, Protecting 20+ Lives In Detroit: Bob Owens

Scandal Central

Busted: Hillary Caught Not Turning Over All Work Emails: Daniel Halper
New emails show possible Benghazi deception by Hillary Clinton, Obama admin: Times
New Emails Confirm White House Lied About Jonathan Gruber's Links to Obamacare: Katie Pavlich

Climate & Energy

California: Running On Empty: Victor Davis Hanson
The Hubbard Glacier defies ‘climate change’ – continues to grow: Anthony Watts


Press Parties at Clinton Aide Weekend Wedding: Michael Warren
Hatefacts On Black Killings Of Whites: John Derbyshire
Well…Why The Heck Not?: Camp o' the Saints

Morning Joe crew mocks Obama White House for lying about Gruber’s role in Obamacare: Scoop
MSNBC Panel Reacts to Proof that WH Lied about Gruber: Bradford Thomas
AP refuses to apologize for image of gun pointed at Cruz: Brian Maloney

PolitiFact Roasts Obama Over Gun Claim About Mass Killings In Other Countries: Breitbart
Karl Rove: Only Way To Stop The Violence Is To Repeal Second Amendment: Christian Datoc
My Twitter Account Was Suspended Over The Stupidest ‘Violation’: Sooper


An Insider Account: Obama’s Jihad Against the Jews: Pamela Geller
Iran bans inspector access to military sites: iOTWreport
Iranian Academic Challenges 'Death to Israel' Mantra: Clarion

Marines May Deploy on Foreign Ships, Because U.S. Navy Doesn’t Have Enough: Aaron MacLean
US troops sharing bases with Iranian led militias in Iraq: RS
The Right Takes Denmark: RS

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Fentanyl: The king of all opiates, and a killer drug crisis: Jonathon Gatehouse and Nancy Macdonald
Sweden’s Seventeenth-Century Mummy Examined: Archaeology
Report: US Needs New Small Nuclear Bombs: Marcus Weisgerber


CAUTION: Objects in the NYT may appear different than in reality: MOTUS
New Jersey Family Reportedly Claims 'The Watcher' Is Targeting Them: ABC News
Yeah, You’re Getting Old If You Can Remember 80’s Spring Break (27 Pics): BlurBrain

Image: Proud to Support Governor Nikki Haley
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site

QOTD: "Let us face elemental reality. A 40-million person California is an iffy place. It is entirely dependent on a sophisticated, man-created infrastructure of dams, reservoirs, canals, pumps, freeways, rail lines, airports, and schools and universities. Given that the population continues to rise, and given that one in four Californians was not born in the United States and is often poor (California has the largest population in real and relative numbers below the poverty line; one sixth of the nation on welfare payments of some sort lives in California), there is no margin of safety. A drought is but a metaphor about the collapse of an entire way of living...

If our biologists and environmentalist were honest folk, they would have said to the public, “Please do not come into California; we instead prefer to restore salmon in our rivers than to provide jobs and drinking water for you. We like looking at open spaces from our backyard decks, not at new housing tracts. And we like a state of the well-heeled in clean-fueled, gas-less Priuses, not the poor puttering around in smoggy used Crown Victorias. The more costly we make gasoline and electrical power, the less we will use of it — even if that hurts you far more than it hurts us.”

But they were not especially veracious sorts, and so they went ahead to turn California into a state fit for 20 million, even as it grew to 40 million — while doing their best to be shielded from the ramifications of their own ideologies. The logical result of the Bay Area grandee’s world view is East Porterville, not the Berkeley foothills. If those who run the state would just live where the poor do, we would have reservoirs galore, futuristic freeways, and affordable housing. If the children of the elite fought for a slot at Cal State Stanislaus rather than Stanford, California would be quite a different place.

If it does not rain or snow soon, we are going to see things unimaginable." --Victor Davis Hanson


    The TPP has passed the Senate. Now, for the next step. Please, your royal highnesses, can we read the TPP bill? If you could be so kind to respond to the people who elected you?

    Please, oh great leaders! Can we read the bill? Please? Pretty please? Or maybe we shouldn't say "please" and should use pitchforks and torches?

    Senate advances fast-track trade bill for Obama
    By Alexander Bolton - 06/23/15 11:33 AM EDT

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Barry, We are all done. The American people have been "sold down the river" by our "own" government. This is a revolution from the top down. I will never vote in a national election again, there is no point. Both parties have morphed to the left. With the exception of a few good men (none of whom are running for president), they are all globalist whores.
