Monday, June 08, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: I Agree with the Unions: Stop Secret Obamatrade TPP Deal #StopFastTrack

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I Agree with the Unions: Stop Secret Obamatrade TPP Deal #StopFastTrack: LUR
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Image: Teen With Fake Gun Shot Trying To Mug Concealed Carrier With Real Gun
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site

QOTD: "A New York Times reporter called Obama out on his bull when it comes to Iran, launching an epic Twitter war between reporter David Sanger and the White House.

Sanger reported that Iran has been quietly increasing its nuclear stockpile right under Obama’s nose.

In response, Marie Harf of Team Obama tweeted back to Sanger, “You write that the ‘overall increase in Iran’s stockpile poses a major diplomatic and political challenge’- Not true.”

She also defended the stockpile increase calling it “perfectly acceptable.”

Sanger shot back saying that indeed Iran is enriching uranium even though their facility to neutralize it doesn’t work and that is a problem where Obama recognizes it or not.

Weighing in a former George W Bush speech writer noted, it must be awful for Harf to “have to spin on behalf of the government of Iran” like that." --Downtrend

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    RE: I Agree with the Unions: Stop Secret Obamatrade TPP Deal #StopFastTrack: LUR

    Ted Cruz voted for this sprint towards world tyranny! WHISKEY TANGO FOX? OSCAR.
