Saturday, July 25, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Cruz accuses McConnell of 'flat-out' lying

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Cruz accuses McConnell of 'flat-out' lying: Susan Ferrechio
The Rare EIB Interview: Senator Ted Cruz on Why He Called His Leader a Liar: EIB
Ted Cruz: Mitch McConnell is a liar: RS

A Month Ago John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders Here at Home: RWN
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Increasingly Divided Democrats Causing Problems for Their Party: Michael Barone
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Chamber gearing up to take out conservative incumbents: Politico

Gowdy: If Obama Saw His Son In Trayvon, We See Our Daughters In Kate: Breitbart
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Percentage of blacks who would not vote for a black presidential candidate rises: Daniel Greenfield
Hillary Clinton's Great Depression Strategy: Bloomberg
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Scandal Central

IG: Clinton’s Emails Included 'Classified Information;’ 30,000 Emails on Thumb-Drive: CNS
Cruz: If the DOJ Were Not An Arm of The DNC, They'd be Investigating Planned Parenthood: RightPundit
Boehner to Hillary: 'Immediately' Turn Over Email Server: Daniel Halper

Hillary Clinton Classified: WSJ
Federal investigators want Justice Department probe of Hillary Clinton emails: Evan Hallper, LA Times
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Guy Who Created Iranian Terror Regime Calls Trump "Irresponsible": Right Pundit
Cruz debates Code Pink: Why do you want to give $100 billion to those who kill Americans?: Hot Air
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Is the US now committed to removing Iran from the terrorism list?: AEI
Turkish jets strike Kurds in Iraq, Islamic State in Syria: Suzan Fraser
Swedish Anti-Racists Furious About Gay Pride Parade Near Muslim Area: James Kirkpatrick

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Is Win 10 a Con?: C&S
Want longer battery life? Avoid the New York Times and The Grauniad: Darren Pauli
Google, Amazon, NASA working on air traffic control for drones: David Nield


Five Consequences of America's Moral Collapse: John Hawkins
Get Your Angle Wings Here: MOTUS
There's a Word for This: Sondrakistan

Image: Hillary Clinton Classified

QOTD: "Today the Senate took up the Export-Import Bank, a classic example of cronyism and corporate welfare. The leader of Senate Republicans, Mitch McConnell, went to the floor and demonstrated that he had lied both to the American people and also to every Republican senator, including me. Back when we were having the fight over trade promotion authority, I asked Mitch McConnell directly if he had cut a deal to reauthorize this cronyism and corporate welfare in order to try to get the votes, and he looked at me, he looked at all 54 Republican senators, and he said flat-out, "There is no deal. There is no deal. There is no deal."

...[The] Republican leadership got the votes for TPA is by promising to put taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars of loan guarantees that go primarily to a handful of giant corporations. And it's what I refer to as a Washington cartel. It's career politicians in both parties who get in bed with lobbyists and special interests. It's why we're bankrupting our kids and grandkids ... people are so frustrated, 'cause we keep winning elections, and then our leaders don't do a darn thing they said they were going to do. So we were told in the House of Representatives things will be different.

In 2010, the people rose up, we got a Republican majority. And they haven't done much of anything. Then we were told we just need a Republican majority in the Senate, retire Harry Reid. In 2014, millions of Americans stood up to do that. For six months we've had a Republican majority. What have they done? They passed a trillion-dollar Cromnibus plan filled with corporate pork and corporate welfare. We funded Obamacare and President Obama's executive amnesty, and Republican leadership jammed through the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Every one of those is exactly the same as what Harry Reid would have done. And it's why people are frustrated.

Why is it that Republican leadership, authorities as Harry Reid and the Democrats -- and the answer is the lobbyists and special interests, the giant corporations that want Big Government and power. They give campaign contributions to both Republicans and Democrats. And today I called out the majority leader for looking 54 Republicans in the eye and telling a flat-out lie. It was a very unfortunate day for the Senate. It's not a good day when the majority leader is willing to lie to the members of the Senate." --Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

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