Thursday, July 23, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Lawmaker: Kerry doesn't know what's in the Iran side deal

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Lawmaker: Kerry doesn't know what's in the Iran side deal: Charles Hoskinson
House Rep.: Obama Won’t Release Full Iran Deal to Congress: Joel Gehrke
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Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

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Image: Army Chief Ray Odierno: U.S. Military Could Have ‘Prevented’ Rise of Islamic State
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: IT'S TIME: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "Weeks away from retirement, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno believes that the U.S. military could have thwarted the rise of the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL) had the Obama administration left troops in Iraq beyond 2011.

...the top Army officer, who has spent 39 years in the military and spent more time in Iraq than any other U.S. general, labeled the rise of IS “frustrating to watch,” suggesting that it was a mistake for the United States to pull out of the region at the end of 2011.

I go back to the work we did in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 and we got it to a place that was really good,” Odierno detailed. “Violence was low, the economy was growing, politics looked like it was heading in the right direction.”

If we had stayed a little more engaged, I think maybe it might have been prevented,” he supposed, adding later that “it would have been good for us to stay” after the end of 2011. Though he had recommended in 2009 that the United States keep 30,000-35,000 troops in Iraq beyond 2011, his recommendation was rejected." --Morgan Chalfant


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    My comment is in reference to Army Chief Of Staff Odierno:

    Judicial Watch received documents from the Pentagon containing the proof that this administration had a big role in 'creating ISIS' - training them, providing them with weapons, finance as well as recruiting them.
    What is also knows is that McCain - when travelling to Syria - he was photographed while meeting with ISIS members which when the pics went public - he became outraged claiming these guys we 'moderate Syrian rebels being recruited to overthrow Assad in Syria'. McCain lied - it became also known that he was the one bringing monetary sources to ISIS that day.

    I wonder if Odierno was 'out of the loop' on this issue because based on his comments - it does not make sense; unless there is a rogue element within the Pentagon doing this administrations bidding while someone like Odierno is kept in the dark.

  2. Thank you, Doug.

    LET'S ROLL...
