Thursday, July 16, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Manufacturing Consent: Democrats Pretend to be "Skeptical" of the Iran Deal

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Hitler with Nukes

Manufacturing Consent: Democrats Pretend to be "Skeptical" of the Iran Deal: Ace
Obama's Deal: Iran to Destroy Israel with Conventional Arms: Rabbi Aryeh Spero
The Iran Deal, Explained: Noah Pollak

Israeli Ambassador to U.S.: 'Those ICBMs Are for You': Susan Jones
Obama Not Waiting for Congress to Review Iran Deal Before Going to UN: CNS
Obama rewards a killer of American soldiers: RS

Obama's Iran Nuke Deal Lies: Joseph Klein
Willful Patsy: Erick Erickson
John Kerry: dimwit and stooge: RS


Clinton praises Iran nuclear deal: James Oliphant and Amanda Becker
Growth and Fairness in a Clinton-Style Economy: Veronique De Rugy
Hillary Clinton, the last truth bender: John Kass

Donald Trump Files FEC Financial Discloure: Doug Mataconis
Trump and Hitler's Bodyguard: The XX Committee
Defining Hillary Clinton: Cal Thomas

How Long Will You Stand Idle?: Christian Mercenary
So Why Should ANYONE Continue?: Karl Denninger
Courage: The Mother of the Virtues: Robert Tracinski


Foodstamps for able-bodied adults down 80% in Maine following minimal work requirement: AT
Union boss making $505,000 attacks ‘income inequality' and ‘white privilege’: Larry Sand
Census Bureau Predicts 1.24 Million More Immigrants To Enter USA in 2015: Breitbart

Scandal Central

Obama Wants To Free More Felons, Give Them The Vote: S&L
Clinton, Dem Hopefuls Silent on Planned Parenthood Organ Sales Video: Bill McMorris
Deborah Nucatola: who is she besides a baby part merchant?: FAM

Obama Wrote Personal Letters to 46 Felons, STILL Ignoring Kathryn Steinle’s Family: Jerome Hudson
State Dept. stonewalls emails tying Clinton to Benghazi talking points: Sarah Westwood
Hillary Clinton campaign posts 3,600-word explainer of private email scandal: Adi Robertson


The Democrats Are Gollum: Andrew Klavan
Liberals’ Heads Exploding Over Major Garrett Ruining Obama’s Iranian Nuke Party: Sooper
Major Garrett Responds To 'Controversy' Over His Question For The President: Caleb Howe

Andrea Mitchell Literally Rolls Her Eyes With Contempt For Netanyahu While Interviewing Iran's Zarif: Caleb Howe
No reporter asked Obama about Kate Steinle at today’s presser: LI
Stupid -- or Evil?: RWN


Netanyahu: “Iran now has two paths to the bomb”: Pamela Geller
No Country For Greek Men: The Z Man
Rouhani – “Iran Always Observes Its Promises… Death To Israel and America.”: iOTWreport

Saudi Media Blast Iran Nuke Deal As Damaging to Arab Interests: The Tower
New Wave Of Displaced From Iraq’s Anbar Faced Extrajudicial Killings In Baghdad: Joel Wing
Jewish Man Who Fled Nazis Funds Rescue of 2,000 Christians From ISIS to Repay ‘Debt’: Algemeiner

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Uber threatened by California ban and $7.3 million fine for not supplying data: Dieter Holger
A man created a font that tells you if the NSA might think you're a terrorist: Cale Guthrie Weissman
James Randi: the man exposing supernaturalist frauds: Holy Kaw!


The West's Position On Iran: Bosch Fawstin
Hillary on the rocks? Ship going down?: Unyielding
The Human Filibuster: Obama press conference Iran deal last one hour, 6 reporters called: FAM

Image: John Kerry: dimwit and stooge
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: REAGAN WOULD BE PROUD: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "The historic nuclear accord between a US-led group of countries and Iran was good news for a man who some consider to be the Middle East's most effective covert operative.

As a result of the deal, Qasem Suleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods Force and the general responsible for overseeing Iran's network of proxy organizations, will be removed from European Union sanctions lists once the agreement is implemented, and taken off a UN sanctions list after eight or fewer years.

Iran obtained some key concessions as a result of the nuclear agreement, including access to an estimated $150 billion in frozen assets; the lifting of a UN arms embargo, the eventual end to sanctions related to the country's ballistic missile program; the ability to operate over 5,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges and to run stable elements through centrifuges at the once-clandestine and heavily guarded Fordow facility; nuclear assistance from the US and its partners; and the ability to stall inspections of sensitive sites for as long as 24 days. In light of these accomplishments, the de-listing of a general responsible for coordinating anti-US militia groups in Iraq — someone who may be responsible for the deaths of US soldiers — almost seems gratuitous." --Armin Rosen

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