Friday, July 17, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Susan Rice: We 'Expect' Iran Will Spend Some Of New Money on Military, Terror

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Susan Rice: We 'Expect' Iran Will Spend Some Of New Money on Military, Terror: Breitbart
Cruz: Iran Deal 'Jihadist Stimulus Bill,' Help FUnd Terrorism Against America': Ian Hanchett
Cruz Threatens to Cut Off State Dept. Funding After Nuke Deal: Adam Kredo

Useful Idiot Bob Corker stunned that he is betrayed by Obama: RS
The Deal Wasn’t About Iran’s Nukes: Abe Greenwald
Terrorism in Chattanooga Came With A Warning to American Dogs: Sara Noble

Four U.S. Marines, Police Officer Shot In Chattanooga, Tennessee Attacks: Bob Owens
Like the Confederate Flag, All Islamic Flags Need to be Eradicated: iOTWreport
‘Gun Free Zone’ Sign Spotted At Chattanooga Shooting Site: Sooper

Jihad on U.S. Troops Is Not a “Circumstance”: Michelle Malkin
Every Pro-Immigration Claim is a Lie: Ann Coulter
Walker: Guy Who Called ISIS ‘JV’ Thinks I’m Bad On Foreign Policy?: Brian Carey


Health Care Premium Hikes and Crony Capitalism: Scott Rasmussen
AFL-CIO base futilely calls for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton: Moe Lane
Republicans slam Obamacare handling of fake applications: Robert King

Scandal Central

WI Supreme Court: Prosecutor Punished Speech With Paramilitary Home Invasions: Patterico
Majority of Clinton Bundlers Also High-Dollar Foundation Donors: Lachlan Markay and Brent Scher
Ohio AG Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood’s Trafficking Of Baby Parts: Third Base


Hillary Spokeshack Becomes Stuttering Mess When Asked About Bill Cosby and Clinton Foundation: WFB
Major Garrett Somehow Becomes the Story Simply for Challenging a Sitting President: Joe Concha
My Conversation with Gov. Scott Walker: Erick Erickson

Clueless Reporters Question President Pinocchio: A Pathetic Press Conference: John Hinderaker
Uh Oh: Americans Not Warming to Her Majesty, New Poll Finds: Guy Benson
Hillary Clinton provides proof of liberal media bias: Rick Jensen


Khamenei Mocks Western Powers, Obama Thanks Putin: S&L
How Israel Might Destroy Iran's Nuclear Program: Daniel Pipes
The Iran deal: It's Munich all over again: Jeremy Havardi

The House of Special Purpose: Bob Belvedere
Hyeonseo Lee: Escape, exile and why she misses North Korea: Zoe McKnight
China confronts Islamist terrorism: Michael Curtis

“Can you imagine giving a drug dealer 24 days’ notice before you inspect the premises?”: Robert Spencer
Why the Jews Are the Canary in the Coal Mine: J. P. Golbert
Attempted Beheading in Rome in Possible ISIS Copycat Attack: Clarion

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Apple, Inc. Has Little Interest in Conservative News Voices: Erick Erickson
Deformed daisies from Fukushima disaster site gain Internet fame: Lisa Reddy
Ancient Humans Bred with Completely Unknown Species: April Holloway (2013)


Bush Senior Breaks His Neck: iOTWreport
Slippery Slopes: They’re Not Fallacies: MOTUS
Transgender teen unhappy that boys are flirting with her friends and not with her: RWN

Image: Deformed daisies from Fukushima disaster site gain Internet fame
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: IT'S TIME: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "Whether you look at missile defense in Eastern Europe, where [Obama] takes the side of Russia over US allies like Poland and the Czech Republic; if you look at little things, like the FalklandsIslands, where he takes the side of Argentina over a U.S. ally like the United Kingdom. And in the Middle East, he's taken the side of Iran over U.S. allies like the Sunni monarchies and Israel - because his central view is that America and American power is the problem in the world.

And, therefore, American allies are part of that problem. And, therefore, what he does is, in a sense, withdraw from the world, and enhance the position of the enemies of American allies. That's what he's done in the Middle East. And it won't be confined to the Middle East, it'll spread beyond that." --Mark Steyn


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Question of the day: Will the National Socialist Left Now call for the banning of Radical Islam?
    Here lays the supreme problem for the National Socialist Left in attempting to exploit every tragedy for crass political gain against their enemies. They often get hoisted on their own petard when their rank hypocrisy is shown in stark relief for all the world to see.

    Now that we know that the Chattanooga shooter was motivated by radical Islam, will the National Socialist Left have the balls to oppose a REAL enemy instead of one THEY KNOW won’t retaliate against their rank oppressive tendencies?

    Or will they ‘Cair’?

    It’s a sure bet that whenever a shooting takes place in a “Gun-Free” zone, the gun grabbers on the National Socialist Left will begin issuing talking points and holding news conferences to call for as yet MORE gun control

    In the case of the Charleston church shooting they coldly calculated that the ‘;more gun control’ angle wouldn’t fly. But when it comes to the National Socialist Left they never let a good crisis go to waste, this time figured they could set the precedent of banning certain kinds of free-speech as the lovers of liberty they pretend to be (Yeah, sure…. tell me another)

    But their solemn and self righteous pontificating to ‘ban the Confederate flag’ and just about everything else even tangentially associated with the CSA has a negative side effect as we can see before our very eyes.

    IF the National Socialist Left fails to be unwavering in their position they will be shown to be the abject COWARDS we’ve always know to be the case.

    So will they keep hold of their abject condemnation of various forms of “Hate Speech” or will they fold like a cheap suit and call for YET AGAIN more suppression of the people’s civil right of self defense?

    Disclaimer: I’m NOT calling for a ban on anything per say, I’m merely asking the question and pointing out the rank hypocrisy of the National Socialist Left.

  2. -Thank you, Doug. The dissemination of this post means a lot to me.

    -Dead solid perfect, Anonymous, damn well put.
