Monday, August 24, 2015

PIC: Well, it appears the Obama family had a simply delightful time on their 17-day, multi-million dollar vacation

Via Jammie who captions it, "Obamas Look Ecstatic After Luxurious 17-Day Vacation"

I wouldn't be surprised if Michelle Obama's middle name was Antoinette. Though, to be fair, her expression ranks fairly low on the FLOTUS Scowlometer.

Can you imagine Barbara Bush, or Nancy Reagan, or Laura Bush consistently looking like a schlub and wearing a pained scowl over and over again?

We're such a horrid country. We're not worthy of this magnificent family.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


  1. She is the angriest wookie ever !!!

  2. djm199211:18 PM

    They're tanned, rested, and ready -to kick the @ss of anyone who thinks that "hands up, don't shoot!" was a lie

  3. I think calling them "tanned" is, like, rayciss or something.

  4. Anonymous3:36 AM

    how long before the two girls become baby mamas?

    or will they just come out of the closet, unlike "Mom"?

    they have less of a chance at a normal live than i do of winning the Miss America Pageant next year.

  5. Anonymous3:37 AM

    "life" not "live"...

    stupid fingers.

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    In my 67 years I have never been as embarrassed by a first lady as I am with Moochelle Obama. She has no style, no taste in clothes and no class. Both she and Obama are no class low lifes. They don't deserve to live in America - they hate our country and everything that makes her exceptional. The live in a fake world and are "fake" Americans. Both ugly inside and out.

  7. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Anonymous , maybe you should remove those calluses from your eyes and then look with clarity. Sound like an old jealous old women. Get a life
